Time control: | 90min/end+30sec/move from move 1 |
Time control type: | Standard |
Time control description: | 90min/end+30sec/move from move 1 |
Number of rounds: | 9 |
Tournament system: | Swiss |
Chief organizer: | Dirk Flamee |
Arbiters: | IA Sylvin De Vet; NA Marc Van Dyck; IA Luc Cornet |
Chief arbiter: | IA Marc Bils |
Number of players: | 200 |
Address: | Geraardsbergen |
Address coordinates: | Koninklijk Atheneum Geraardsbergen, Papiermolenstraat 103, GERAARDSBERGEN |
Email: | dirk.flamee@skynet.be |
Phone: | +32 488 22 99 01 |
Official website: | https://vanpiontotdame.wixsite.com/vptd |
Remarks: | FIDE homologated. So only for players with a FIDE-ID. Players without a FIDE-ID must ask the rating officer of their federation in order to obtain a FIDE-ID. Two ½-point absences till round 7 can be granted, if communicated before the start of the tournament. There is also a 5 round non-FIDE 55+ Open Tournament (first 4 rounds start in the afternoon, last round starts in the morning). On Monday and Tuesday evening there are two FIDE rapid tournaments (5 rounds each) and on Wednesday evening there is a FIDE blitz tournament (9 rounds). |