Time control: | 15'+5" |
Time control type: | Rapid |
Time control description: | 15'+5" |
Number of rounds: | 7 |
Tournament system: | Swiss |
Chief organizer: | Balázs Nádasi |
Chief arbiter: | Balázs Nádasi |
Number of players: | 20-41 |
Address: | Budapest, Hungary |
Address coordinates: | 1174 Budapest Szabadság u. 24. |
Email: | sdse17@gmail.com |
Phone: | +36703785328 |
Remarks: | First round starts at 9:20 AM Please be on site at 9:00 AM. One or two groups depending on the number of players. Entry fee: 3800 HUF, discounts are available for youth, senoir, women or for players with title. No player's licence required. The tournament does not modify FIDE rapid ratings. Full tournament information (in Hungarian):https://chess.hu/vii-eutender-sinus-sarkany-dse-nyilt-rapid-sakkverseny-2025-januar-18/ |