International Chess Federation
Vezerkepzo tournament series GM, IM, FM
Place:Budapest, Hungary
Time control:90 min 40 mvs+2 x30 min + 30 sec after each move
Time control type:Standard
Time control description:90/40+2x30+30 Bonus
Number of rounds:9
Tournament system:GM, IM RR, FM Swiss
Chief organizer:GM Czebe Attila
Chief arbiter:Tomas Danada
Number of players:GM 10, IM 10, FM 16-20
Address:Budapest (HUN)
Phone:📞Whatsapp: +36307152053
Official website:

GM, IM, Schwiss System Tournaments for IM, GM norms and for Fide rating points. Venue and accommodation

🏢 Danubius Hotel Budapest Address: 1026 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 47.

Prices for rooms including buffet breakfast: Single: 49€ / night Double: 59€ / night

In case the participant of the tournament does not stay at the offered accommodation, the organizers keep the right to have a refund of 30 euros for the missed possible profit. 📃 Licence to play in Hungary

The Hungarian Chess Federation takes 21 € / year from each player, who plays in Hungary 15 € fee for the tournament FIDE registration contribution