Workshop: How to Teach Pawn Endings by Artur Jussupow

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The FIDE Trainers’ Commission announced a new workshop “How to Teach Pawn Endings” by GM Artur Jussupow, a World Championship Candidate who has been ranked as high as third behind legends Garry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov at their peak. The seminar will be held in English via Zoom.

Photo: Vladimir Jagr

Here are several most important topics to be discussed at the workshop:

1. Correct approach to the study of pawn endgames, all the necessary elementary positions
2. Classification of pawn endgames into two types
3. Description of typical pawn endgame ideas
4. Difficulties that our students may encounter when studying the opposition.
5. Using the pawn endgame to train calculating variations, to develop strategic thinking, to develop logical thinking
6. Forms of training used in studying the pawn endgame
7. Other challenges for the trainer. Answers to the questions

“This wonderful study by M. Zinar from 1987 will help you get rid of the inappropriate overestimation of the role of the opposition in the pawn endgame. We will discuss this study on March 26,” Artur Yussupow said, introducing his seminar.

White to play and draw 

Fee: €50 for Licensed Trainers, €80 for others.

Current licensed FIDE Trainer title-holders will be given credits towards potential title upgrades at attendance in a future seminar. 

Artur decided that all proceeds from the workshop are to be given to the FIDE Ukraine Support Fund. 

You can also join this great initiative of providing support to the Ukrainian chess players by making your donation here

Please download and complete the following registration form and email at: 

*Female Participants are Free – FIDE’s The Year of the Women in Chess – with Nomination or Endorsement of the FIDE Commission for Women’s Chess.