Workshop for International Arbiters concluded in Sochi

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А Workshop for International Arbiters, the fourth event in the FIDE & CFR Pilot Project for Training and Certification of the International Arbiters for the 2020 World Chess Olympiad, took place in Sochi, October 11-14. 

The Project’s objective is to train and to certify a cadre of IAs, especially female arbiters, who are on top of all recent changes in the Laws of Chess and the FIDE Competition Rules and able able to communicate in English efficiently to be integrated into multinational arbiter teams at the top-level FIDE events, culminating in the Chess Olympiads 2020 and 2022.

The Principal Lecturer, IA/IO/FL Alexander Tkachev (RUS), the CFR Technical Director, opened the Workshop by summarizing lessons learned from previous Pilot Project events in Moscow, Tashkent, and Baku. Mr. Tkachev proceeded with a refresher on Anti-Cheating Guidelines, then IA Vladimir Makhnev gave a crash course on the use of a modern metal detector.

During a group discussion on the FIDE Competition (Tournament) Rules, the workshop attendees shared their opinions on a wide range of issues that challenges of modern life bring into the chess world. Pharmacology’s impact on chess competitions, anti-doping measures, use of metal detectors on players with pacemakers or artificial limbs, dress code limitations, upcoming brain prosthetics, general standards for electronics used in tournaments, the priority of the host nation’s laws were discussed.

The Guest Lecturer, IA/IO Vadim Tsypin (CAN) gave a refresher on the chess terms glossary in English, then led the participants in a practice of using English in typical tournament situations. On the second day, Mr. Tsypin proceeded by presenting real-life chess game situations that sharpened the attendees’ analysis and communication skills. IA Elena Polovina and IA Vera Penzina helped to animate a group discussion.

For the first time in history, an examination test featured an equal number of questions in Russian and English. An experienced IA/FL Alexander Shaab obtained the best exam score. A post mortem discussion allowed participants to see their marked tests, to review difficult questions with the Lecturers, and to provide feedback on the Workshop. Several IAs asked to extend such events to three full working days.

The next Pilot Project IA Workshop in the Russian Federation will be held in Moscow in January 2020. Please, check for updates.