Winners crowned at Rudaga-Kaissa 2021 Festival

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The Rudaga-Kaissa 2021 International Festival that brought together over 400 participants came to an end in Jurmala. For the first time, the event was held in the festival format and under the auspices of FIDE. Apart from online and over-the-board tournaments, the festival included masterclasses, meetings, simultaneous exhibitions, and other chess activities.

We are happy to announce the winners of the over-the-board tournaments in different categories. Naturally, there were many top-finishers from the host country, but guests from other parts of Europe proved to be very serious competitors. Congratulations to all!

Standard Open: 
1. Shturman Arseniy (RUS)
2. Strods Kristaps Reinis (LAT)
3. Tabors Emils (LAT) 

Standard Girls:  
1.  Kuznecova Marija (LAT)
2. Daineko Jevgenija (LAT)
3. Locmele Valerija (LAT)

U14 Open: 
1. Jaakkola Niklas (FIN)
2. Testelecs Ilja (LAT)
3. Sokolovskis Pavels (LAT)

U14 Girls:
1. Maklakova Naomi (LAT)
2. Maklakova Dafne (LAT)
3. Kirijanova Sintija-Lina (LAT)

10 Boys:
1. Jeronovics Toms (LAT)
2. Platonovs Nikolajs (LAT)
3. Kakurin Artem (RUS)

U 10 Girls:  
1. Gurevich Alexandra (ENG) 
2. Teremranova Sofija (LAT)
3. Sirajeva Anna Mira (LAT)

The youngest boy and girl in the festival, the best boy and girl in rapid group C (born after 2009) and group D (born after 2013), the best boy and girl in blitz born after 2009, and the best boy and girl in standard chess born after 2009, all received Gold Participant certificates from

The winners of the standard chess event, Arseniy Shturman (RUS) and Marija Kuznecova (LAT) received the main prize of the festival – accreditation to the 2022 World Chess Olympiad, tickets to the opening ceremony, and accommodation for two nights at the official hotel of the Olympiad.

During the closing ceremony, FIDE Vice President Anastasia Sorokina thanked the participants, parents and organizers – public organization “Rudaga plus”, Jurmala City Council, Rudaga Children and Youth School of Education and Creativity (Jurmala, Latvia), KAISSA (Riga, Latvia), Semarah hotel Lielupe. She expressed hope that this festival under the auspices of FIDE will become an annual event. Tournament Director Inessa Testelec thanked FIDE for its support and presented a memorable gift for the FIDE President.