No fees for rating Rapid and Blitz tournaments

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Last December, the General Assembly approved the new financial regulations, which came into effect on January 1st. 

These regulations cover all administrative matters and fix some important omissions. Among other changes, the regulations now include a reference to Rapid and Blitz tournaments, which were not contemplated before. Article 1.2 of appendix 2 of the Financial Regulations mentions that “All rated tournaments are subject to rating fees. FIDE Council, at its sole discretion, may waive or reduce rating fees for rapid and blitz tournaments for a given year.” 

We are happy to confirm that the FIDE Council has indeed decided “to waive rating fees for over-the-board Rapid and Blitz tournaments held in 2021 and 2022”.

This decision is in line with FIDE’s general strategy of reducing all kinds of fees as much as possible. In the coming days, we will publish a more detailed report on how administrative fees have been reduced or waived altogether during the past two years.

More information:

New FIDE Financial Regulations (effective from January 1, 2021)
Previous version of the FIDE Financial Regulations (effective until December 31, 2020)