International Chess Federation
Monday, 07 Oct 2024 18:24
FIDE Council meeting and FIDE GA lists of decisions published


FIDE Council meeting

18 September 2024

List of decisions

CM3-2024/01 To note President’s report.

CM3-2024/02 To approve Treasurer’s report.

CM3-2024/03 To note the Verification Commission’s report.

CM3-2024/04 To note the Global Strategy Commission’s report.

CM3-2024/05 To note the Arbiters’ Commission’s report.

CM3-2024/06 To approve the recommendations of the Arbiters’ Commission on Seminars, Classification upgrades, Amendments to the lecturer list, FA norms and titles.

CM3-2024/07 To approve the recommendations of the Qualification Commission on titles.

CM3-2024/08 To note the Chess in Education Commission’s report.

CM3-2024/09 To approve the recommendations of the Chess in Education Commission on titles.

CM3-2024/10 To note the Technical Commission’s report.

CM3-2024/11 To approve the recommendations of the Trainers’ Commission on titles and Academies.

CM3-2024/12 To note the Events Commission’s report.

CM3-2024/13 To approve the recommendations of the Events Commission on titles.

CM3-2024/14 To approve the Regulations for the FIDE World Championships Under 7, U-9, U-11, U-13, U-15 & U-17, FIDE World Championships U8, U10 & U12 and FIDE World Cup U8, U10 & U12. To further agree on the calendar of the events.

CM3-2024/15 To approve the Events Commission’s proposal in respect of EVETitle Application and Licence Fees.Table of Changes

CM3-2024/16 To approve the Events Commission’s proposal in respect of General Regulations for FIDE EVE Competitions.

CM3-2024/17 To note the Rules Commission’s report.

CM3-2024/18 To note the Commission’s for Women’s Chess report

CM3-2024/19 To note the Fair Play Commission’s report.

CM3-2024/20 To note the proposals of the Fair Play Commission related to: FPL Appointment Regulations, FPL Financial Regulations, FPL Protection Measures, Fair Play Regulations and Chief Arbiter-Chief Fair Play Officer Division of Tasks. President to further discuss the proposals with the relevant FIDE Commissions.

CM3-2024/21 To note the Chess in Multi Sports Games Committee’s report.

CM3-2024/22 To note Continental Presidents’ reports.

CM3-2024/23 To approve the updated distribution of the Zones of Continental Association for Americas.

CM3-2024/24 To recommend to the General Assembly to ratify the Greenlandic Chess Federation application as FIDE Affiliated Member.

CM3-2024/25 To note and welcome the application of the Kiribati chess Federation to become the Member of the FIDE and request the federation to provide additional relevant documentation.

CM3-2024/26 To inform the General Assembly that the FIDE Council has approved a Panel to investigate the Serbian Chess Federation's appeal. The President has been authorized to approve the Panel's composition, taking into account the opinions of the FIDE Constitutional Commission and FIDE Ethics and Disciplinary Commission.

CM3-2024/27 To note the proposals of the Gabon Chess Federation.

CM3-2024/28 To further elaborate on the proposal of the delegate of the Irish Chess Union Mr. O’Connor in respect of the best score prizes for the Olympiad, engaging the relevant FIDE Commissions.

CM3-2024/29 To approve the change in the current Transgender Registration Regulations.

CM3-2024/30 To recommend to the General Assembly to approve FIDE Annual Awards.

CM3-2024/31 To note the update regarding FIDE 100 Years Anniversary.

CM3-2024/32 To approve the rentiTelectronic voting system for the General Assembly 2024.

CM3-2024/33 To inform the General Assembly about the FIDE Council’s position on Federation proposals regarding Russia and Belarus restrictions.

CM3-2024/34 To recommend to the General Assembly to approve the amendments to the FIDE Charter regarding the jurisdiction of the FIDE Ethics and Disciplinary Commission.

CM3-2024/35 To recommend to the General Assembly to approve the amendments to the FIDE Ethics and Disciplinary Code.

CM3-2024/37 To hold the 2024 4th FIDE Council meeting in November 2024.

FIDE General Assembly

September 21-22, 2024

Budapest, Hungary



GA-2024/01 To approve the Constitutional Commission's report.

GA-2024/02 To approve Paris Kleridis (СYP), Enrique Celi (URU), Paul Spiller (NZL) as scrutineers and Susan Namangale (MAW) as substitute scrutineer.

GA-2024/03 To approve the Electoral Commission’s report.

GA-2024/04 To approve the report of the FIDE Treasurer.

GA-2024/05 To approve the Verification Commission’s report.

GA-2024/06 To discharge the Treasurer from the responsibilities for the financial year 2023.

GA-2024/07 To mandate the FIDE Council to adopt the FIDE Budget 2025-2026.

GA-2024/08 To re-appoint Ernst & Young as External Auditor for annual audit of FIDE accounts for 2024.

GA-2024/09 To approve the update of the Financial Rules regarding the FIDE Council’s right to amend the fees specified in the Appendix 2 or to approve the new relevant fees and the right to resolve possible disputes.

GA-2024/10 To elect Mr. Roberto Rivello (ITA) as Chair of the FIDE Constitutional Commission.

GA-2024/11 To elect Mr. Allen Priest (USA)as Chair of the FIDE Verification Commission.

GA-2024/12 To elect Ms. Yolander Persaud (GUY)as Chair of the FIDE Ethics and Disciplinary Commission.

GA-2024/13 To elect the following members of the FIDE Constitutional Commission: Erald Dervishi (ALB), Ian Wilkinson (JAM), Marouane Tabti (ALG), Ivy Claire Amoko (UGA).

GA-2024/14 To elect the following members of the FIDE Verification Commission: Gulmira Dauletova (KAZ), Eric Bopala (CAN), Malcolm Powell (CAY), Panu Laine (FIN).

GA-2024/15 To elect the following members of the FIDE Ethics and Disciplinary Commission: Khaled Arfa (TUN), David Hater (USA), Olga Baskakova (KAZ), Ravindra Dongre (IND), Alan Borda (BOL), Ali Nihat Yazici (TUR).

GA-2024/16 To approve the admission of the Greenlandic Chess Federation as an Affiliated Member of FIDE.

GA-2024/17 To approve not to vote the question about the admission of the Sahrawi Chess Federation as an Affiliated Organization of FIDE.

GA2024/18 To approve the admission of the Turkic-speaking Countries' Chess Association as an Affiliated Organization of FIDE. The Affiliated Organization is required to adjust its regulatory documents accordingly.

GA-2024/19 To approve the admission of the International School Chess Federation as an Affiliated Organization of FIDE.

GA2024/20 To approve the FIDE Council’s proposal regarding current limitations to the Russian and Belorussian Chess Federations.

GA-2024/21 To approve not to vote at the 2024 GA the question about asterisk (footnote)

placed at the name of the Kosovo* Chess Federation. To confirm the FIDE Council' authority for this matter.

GA-2024/22 To approve the amendments to the FIDE Charter regarding the jurisdiction of the FIDE Ethics and Disciplinary Commission.

GA-2024/23 To approve the amendments to the FIDE Ethics and Disciplinary Code.

GA-2024/24 To approve FIDE Awards.