International Chess Federation
Thursday, 26 Sep 2024 11:50
FIDE World Senior Team Championship 2025: Registration is open

FIDE, the Czech Chess Federation and AVE CHESS agency invite all FIDE member federations and eligible teams to participate in the 2025 World Senior Team Chess Championship. The competition will take place in Prague (the Czech Republic) from February 16 (arrival) to February 27, 2025 (departure).

There will be two categories: Open age 50+ and Open age 65+ with separate events for women.

The player must have reached or reach the required age during the year of competition.

Teams can register only through their national chess federations.

Separate Women's Championship(s) will be held if there are at least ten teams registered from at least two continents. Otherwise, women’s teams will play in Open competition.

The deadline for the registration is January 1, 2025.

FIDE Senior Teams Championship official website will be launched during the first week of October.

Official website:


WSTCC 2025 Invitation Letter and Regulations (PDF)