International Chess Federation
Friday, 28 Jun 2024 13:00
Newly revised "Preparation of Lecturers" course announced

Dear Chess Friends,

Are you ready to take your teaching skills to the next level and prepare other educators for the introduction of Educational Chess in their practices? 

Or perhaps your ambition is to lead FIDE Preparation of Teachers courses that award the FIDE School Instructor title?  If so, then the freshly revised FIDE Preparation of Lecturers (PoL) course is for you!

Mark Your Calendars: July 19-21

Where: Online, in English

Duration: 15 hours

The new updated PoL course offers a two-tier qualification:

Lead School Instructor (LSI): The first tier of qualification enables lecturers to train colleagues and award participation certificates to participants. Join us on July 19-21 for this part of the course.

Senior Lead Instructor (SLI): The second tier of qualification allows lecturers to present the FIDE Preparation of Teachers course to obtain the School Instructor (SI) title. This part of the PoL course is a one-day online course to be held on August 31.

Candidate lecturers may wish to obtain only the first level of qualification by choice.

The objectives of the course:

  • Develop and enhance the skills of effective teaching of chess basics to other educators,
  • Develop and enhance the skills of effective teaching of educational chess to other educators
  • Enhance the ability of using active and interactive teaching methods,
  • Improve positive professional communication skills.

Target audience: Professionals with experience in chess and education.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Chess-playing ability (club level or higher)
  • SI title holder
  • At least two years' teaching experience either in a school or as a chess trainer
  • Familiarity with various PoT presentation tools

Read the detailed course description here.


LSI Course Fee for the first tier: €150

Title Award: Upon successful completion, meeting assessment criteria, and payment of €70 title fee.

SLI Course Fee for the second tier: €200, due upon successful completion of the first tier.

Title Award: Upon successful completion, meeting assessment criteria, and payment of €100 title fee.

Special Announcement for Previous Title Holders:

All LSI and CEL titles obtained before 2023 are automatically upgraded to LSI titles!

Receive a FREE soft copy of the new PoT coursebook.

Enroll in the first tier of the PoL course (LSI title course) at no cost!

Application Deadline: July 15

Limited Spots Available! Only 20 participants (first come, first served).

Ready to join? Complete the registration form here.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at