Following the success of the FIDE Open Tournaments support program during the last two years, FIDE will be extending its Aid Package Program in 2023, increasing the total funding to a record amount of €200,000.
When FIDE first launched this global program in 2021, its goal was to achieve a multiplier effect: by supporting open tournaments amidst the pandemic, we intended to indirectly support many other segments of the chess community, including young players, professionals, women players, arbiters, seniors, and even beginners.
The positive impact and feedback received have even surpassed expectations, which justifies the continuation of the program – and its expansion.
"Open tournaments represent a very important integral part of the entire chess community eco-system. It helps young players to grow, it provides bread - and sometimes butter - for hundreds of 2500-2700 players, and it represents a very important part of professional life for women players 2300-2500", explained Emil Sutovsky on behalf of the GSC. "It also helps local chess clubs and communities, and it is oftentimes an important link between chess and city hall or region. We must do our utmost to preserve it."
Each open tournament organiser applying for the Aid Package shall accept the conditions and meet the requirements listed here:
- An application for the Aid Package shall be sent to gsc@fide.com by 31 December 2022
- The Aid Package can be at most 20% of the prize fund and 10% of the total budget. In any case, the support per event shall not exceed 12 thousand Euros.
- At least 10% of the total prize fund shall be allocated for women's prizes, and at least 5% of the total prize fund shall be allocated for Veteran's prizes.
- FIDE may require the tournament to establish lower fees (or absence of fees) for the agreed categories of participants (veterans, youth, women, and representatives of developing countries)
- Mention "Financially supported by FIDE" shall be visible on the tournament's media resources (e. g., website, social media pages)
- FIDE may require FIDE and its sponsors to be reasonably represented at the tournament
- The beneficiaries of the Aid Package must send FIDE an administrative report at the conclusion of the event, sharing data like an increase in the prize fund, increase in participation, media and social media coverage, number of women, juniors and seniors who took part, et cetera. We also expect the beneficiaries to assist the FIDE media team with the event's coverage.
- The Organiser is requested to fill out the following form (all the provided data will remain confidential): APPLICATION FORM.
- Events with the classical time control shall be prioritised
- Event's history
- Event's strength
- Geographical location
- Amount of the prize fund and its distribution
- Fair Play measures
The list of the selected Opens shall be announced by 15 January 2023.