2022 1st FIDE Council meeting decisions

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2022 1st FIDE Council meeting

28 April 2022
Abu Dhabi, UAE

CM1-2022/01 To note President’s report.

CM1-2022/02 To note Financial report presented by FIDE Treasurer.

CM1-2022/03 To request FIDE President and FIDE Treasurer to reestablish contacts with national chess federations of Bhutan, Central African Republic and Comoros Islands, including with an aim to settle their multi-year arrears.

CM1-2022/04 To note the FIDE Congress 2022 Schedule.

CM1-2022/05 To note the FIDE Congress 2022 Elections Timeline.

CM1-2022/06 To note progress reports on the preparations for the 2022 FIDE Chess Olympiad and FIDE Congress 2022

CM1-2022/07 To request the Members of the FIDE Council to propose candidacies for 3 Scrutineers and 3 substitutes for the FIDE Presidential elections. The names of the candidacies are to be submitted to the Office by 25th of May 2022.

CM1-2022/08 To approve the Captain and Head of Delegation rules to be effective from 1st of July 2022 and to disseminate them to the National Federations.

CM1-2022/09 To approve the Appeals Committee Procedural Rules.

CM1-2022/10 To approve the regulations for Non-Elected Commissions.

CM1-2022/11 To approve the Development Index Regulations and to plan the discussion of possible changes at the FIDE Congress 2022. To instruct the FIDE Management Board to suggest the improved set of criteria for the Development Index, considering the economic development levels of the countries and other factors such as a need to provide special support for new federations etc. The estimated deadline – 15th of July, 2022.

CM1-2022/12 To approve the deletion of C07 Time Control from the FIDE Handbook.

CM1-2022/13 To approve the addition of the new point 2 to D02 Continental Championships and Zonal Tournaments.

CM1-2022/14 To note the Global Strategy Commission’s report.

CM1-2022/15 To approve general principles of the proposed agreement between FIDE and Grand Chess Tour and to instruct the Management Board and Director General Emil Sutovsky to finalize the details, taking into consideration the input from the Council members.

CM1-2022/16 To note the Arbiters’ Commission’s report.

CM1-2022/17 To approve the recommendations of the Arbiters’ Commission on Seminars, Classification upgrades, Amendments to the FIDE Lecturer list, FA norms and titles.

CM1-2022/18 To approve the Arbiters’ Commission’s proposal to move the date when IA Certification Seminar norms are mandatory for IA title applications to 01/01/2024.

CM1-2022/19 To instruct the Arbiters’ Commission to consult with the Continents on the potential list of match arbiters for the FIDE Chess Olympiad 2022.

CM1-2022/20 To approve the Chess Education Commission’s report.

CM1-2022/21 To approve Regulations for the Titles and Certifications of Chess in Education.

CM1-2022/22 To approve Chess Education Commission’s description of its missions, vision, objectives and strategy for the FIDE Handbook.

CM1-2022/23 To note the Commission’s for Women’s Chess report and encourage the WOM to activate publicity in respect of the Year of Women in Chess activities.

CM1-2022/24 To note the Constitutional Commission’s report.

CM1-2022/25 To approve the decision of the FIDE Constitutional Commission to hold the elections to fill the vacancies in the Commission membership.

CM1-2022/26 To approve the extension of the mandates of the reverse delegates for the South Africa and Cote d’Ivoire Chess Federations as proposed by the Constitutional Commission.

CM1-2022/27  To note the Ethics and Disciplinary Commission’s report.

CM1-2022/28  To note the update on the EDC case 2/2022.

CM1-2022/29 To note the Events Commission’s report.

CM1-2022/30  To approve the recommendations of the Events Commission on titles.

CM1-2022/31 To send the bid of the Royal Dutch Chess Federation to organise the 2023 World Youth U-16 Chess Olympiad to the FIDE Council for an e-vote, pending the inspection of the proposed venue.

CM1-2022/32 To note the Fair Play Commission’s report.

CM1-2022/33 To approve the amendments of the Anti-Cheating Regulations.

CM1-2022/34 To note the Planning and Development Commission’s report.

CM1-2022/35 To note the Rules Commission’s report.

CM1-2022/36 To conceptually support the Rules Commission proposal in respect of the use of gender-pronouns wording in the Laws of Chess.

CM1-2022/37 To note the Qualification Commission’s report.

CM1-2022/38 To approve the recommendations of the Qualification Commission on titles.

To postpone the decision on the title application to IM E. Paehtz (GER). To instruct the Qualification Commission to prepare further analysis and suggest policy changes aimed at improving the efficiency of confirming norms and titles.

CM1-2022/39 To note the Social Commission’s report.

CM1-2022/40 To note the Trainers’ Commission’s report.

CM1-2022/41 To approve the Trainers’ Commission’s proposal in respect of having a minimum time frame of 10 years serving as a high-level trainer for the title of FIDE Senior Trainer.

CM1-2022/42 To approve the recommendations of the Trainers’ Commission on titles and Academies.

CM1-2022/43 To note Continental Reports.

CM1-2022/44 To note ACF’s intention to hold its GA in December 2022. The FIDE Council does not object and regards such schedule as an exemption from the general rules. The elections have to comply with general principles and applicable norms of the FIDE Electoral Rules. Due to special circumstances, in 2022 FIDE Council approves holding the Continental elections before or after the FIDE Congress if such request is made by the Continental Body.

CM1-2022/45 To note the report on Chess in Olympic Games.

CM1-2022/46 To reject the use of artificial pairings in the upcoming FIDE individual events.

CM1-2022/47 To reapprove signing of the Memorandum of Understanding with Shenzhen Nanshan District.

CM1-2022/48 To note the reports of reverse delegates of Morocco, Pakistan, Cote d’Ivoire and South Africa Chess Federations and to ask FIDE Constitutional Commission to analyze the corresponding practices and provide relevant recommendations.

CM1-2022/49 To approve the proposal of Mr. Iclicki to endorse fund-raising for the first step of the FIDE anniversary 2024 film project.

CM1-2022/50 To note the fact that the RCF has expressed their intention to join the ACF. Before taking any other action, to consider the decisions of ACF and ECU and analyze all the legal and practical implications. To request the Constitutional Commission to present an official opinion in respect of an application of the RCF to change continents.

CM1-2022/51  To note the report of Deputy President on the geopolitical situation.

CM1-2022/52 To hold the next FIDE Council meeting in person in Chennai, India, during the FIDE Congress, on 4th of August 2022.