Invitation: 44th Chess Olympiad & FIDE Congress 2022

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Dear Member Federations, 

Please find enclosed the official invitation to the 44th Chess Olympiad in Chennai, as well as the FIDE Congress 2022.


Along with welcome messages by Tournament Director Bharat Singh Chauhan and FIDE President Arkady Dvorkovich, in this document prepared by the All India Chess Federation you will find all the basic information regarding this event: Venue, schedule, hotels, tournament regulations, dress code, travel subsidies for participants of the Olympiad and delegates of the FIDE Congress.

The document also includes practical information on how to get to Chennai, climate,  currency, transportation, visa information, et cetera.

All this information, along with the registration for players, arbiters, and participants in the FIDE Congress, will be soon available at the official website.

You can contact the Organizing Committee at, and they also have a dedicated support line for visa enquiries:

A call centre will be operating two months before the Olympiad, just after the closing of the registration system, at +91-8100003030.

The working hours for this hotline will be from 10:00 to 18:00 (GMT +5:30), and then, during the Olympiad, it will be operational 24/7. However, the Organizers request that federations use the call centre only in case of strict necessity or emergencies. Otherwise, the preferred way to contact the organizers will still be the email indicated above.

Looking forward to seeing you in Chennai,

International Chess Federation & Olympiad Organizing Committee