FIDE’s EDU accelerates provision of training for lecturers and teachers

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The Preparation of Lecturers course leads to the diploma of Chess in Education Lecturer and is intended primarily for those who will lecture to teachers in order to swell the number of teachers in the world who can teach educational chess. The course hones their existing skills and opens new vistas for those from the chess world without educational background.

The second course for lecturers will be held online from 18-20 June. Would-be lecturers are invited to complete and return the registration form. There are limited places, distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, but over subscribers are placed on the waiting list for the next course.

The Preparation of Teachers course leads to the FIDE title of School Instructor. This course is intended for those at the sharp end of teaching chess in an educational way.  The next course, also the second, will be held at the beginning of July (2-4). Those who would like to develop new skills in this area and gain the title are invited to complete and return the registration form. This course is limited to 30 places, distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, but over subscribers are placed on the waiting list for withdrawals or the next course.

All courses are in English (other languages will be added soon) and currently run Friday-Sunday inclusive 15:00-20:00 CET.

Our dedicated Chess in Education website has further details.