FIDE Statement on anti-cheating cases at Online Olympiad

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The Online Olympiad Fair Play Panel has identified four cases in which there are sufficient grounds to believe the Fair Play Regulations have been violated.

All the results of these players in the Online Olympiad have been turned into losses, and where applicable they will not be allowed to play any further part in the tournament. Tournament officials and team captains concerned have been informed to that effect.

These cases affect four players from Mali (Base Division, Pool B), Brunei Darussalam (Division 4, pool A), Hong Kong (Division 4, pool A), and Nicaragua (Division 4, pool E).

If your team belongs to any of these groups, please check the website for updated results, to see if the standings in your pool might have been affected.

FIDE will not disclose any more information or respond to any inquiries on this matter until a full investigation has been conducted.