FIDE partners with Safe Sport International for Safeguarding Framework

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FIDE has partnered with Safe Sport International to begin the process of developing a Safeguarding Framework within FIDE.

The initial efforts will involve the development of an overarching Safeguarding policy that addresses how FIDE and its members manage the various aspects of safeguarding within a global organisation, including issues of sexual harassment and safeguarding of children and other persons at risk. The policy will also consider international standards and guidelines that will be the most appropriate benchmarks for FIDE to apply.

This first stage will also involve discussions between SSI Consultants and key officers within FIDE and some other stakeholders in the first instance to frame the policy and the associated procedures that will form part of the safeguarding framework.

FIDE, as evidenced in its charter, embraces diversity and inclusion. One of the key priority areas of the administration of FIDE President Arkady Dvorkovich during his first term was to increase the number of females in all aspects of the chess ecosystem. This renewed focus will require the creation of ‘safe spaces’ and associated operating infrastructures for females to thrive.

Additionally, FIDE continues to engage in many Social Action projects. e.g. Chess for Protection and Chess for Freedom, as well as Chess in Education. With this comes wider and more complex demographics that are being served, and this introduces additional responsibilities when dealing with persons at risk or vulnerable persons.

In this context, FIDE turned to Safe Sport International as a partner that has the relevant expertise in this very sensitive topic.

Deputy Chair of the FIDE Management Board, Dana Reizniece-Ozola, remarked this being a very important step FIDE makes, “As the Global body for Chess, FIDE understands its role in setting the example for safeguarding within our chess community. We are happy to work with Safe Sport International, which has extensive experience in this field and look forward to having a practical and effective framework to guide our internal operations as well as our almost 200 member federations.”

Neal Anderson, Chief Operating Officer of Safe Sport International, also expressed his delight with this engagement, “We are delighted to partner with the International Chess Federation in our shared commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of all individuals in the chess community. At Safe Sport International, we believe in the power of collaboration and through our consultancy services, we are providing our expertise to help FIDE develop their safeguarding policy. We look forward to a successful partnership that will secure a safer, more inclusive future for the chess world.”

About Safe Sport International

Everyone, everywhere safe in sport

Safe Sport International (SSI) is the leading non-profit committed to ending all forms of interpersonal violence, abuse, and harassment in sports environments globally. SSI puts research and the voices of athletes at the heart of its work with governmental and non-governmental agencies, international and national sports organisations, competitive sport delivery organisations, athletes, and other participants in sport.

SSI consultants have been involved in all the major developments in safe sport over the last 15 years. Specifically, they have worked with the United Nations, The International Olympic Committee, Council for Europe, UNICEF, FIFA, the Commonwealth Games Federation, English Football Association, International Netball Federation, Philippines Rugby, ATP Men’s Tennis Tour, World Rugby, and many other organisations.