FIDE Council meeting 2024 8, 13 April List of Decisions published

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FIDE Council meeting  2024 8, 13 April  List of Decisions

CM1-2024/01 To note President’s report.

CM1-2024/02To approve Treasurer’s report and support the suggested 2024 expenditure ceilings.

CM1-2024/03To note the Global Strategy Commission’s report.

CM1-2024/04To note the Arbiters’ Commission’s report.

CM1-2024/05To approve the recommendations of the Arbiters’ Commission on Seminars, Classification upgrades, Amendments to the lecturer list, FA norms and titles.

CM1-2024/06To note the Qualification Commission’s report.

CM1-2024/07To approve recommendations of the Qualification Commission on titles.

CM1-2024/8To approve the Qualification Commission’s decision not to rate the First Saturday Nadassy 2024 February.

CM1-2024/9To approve the Qualification Commission’s proposal to introduce aTournament investigation guidelines and the form.

CM1-2024/10To approve the recommendations of the Trainers’ Commission on titles and Academies.

CM1-2024/11To approve the recommendations of the Events Commission on titles.

CM1-2024/12To note that the Prahova County Chess Association has withdrawn from organising the FIDE World Schools Team Championships 2024

CM1-2024/13To decide on the venues regarding the FIDE WorldCadet U8, U10, U12 Championships 2024 and FIDE World Senior Championship 2024 by the end of April 2024.

CM1-2024/14To note the Fair Play Commission’s report.

CM1-2024/15To approve the recommendations of the Fair Play Commission on titles.

CM1-2024/16To refer the proposals of the Fair Play Commission related toFIDE Fair Play Definitions, FPL Title Regulations, FPL Appointment Regulations, FPL Financial Regulations, Fair Play protection measures and Fair Play Regulationsto the relevant FIDE Commissions’ review and comments and to examine final updated versions of the proposals.

CM1-2024/17To note the FPL Commission’s appeal against the FIDE Arbiters Disciplinary Subcommittee (DSC) decision regarding Mr.Biagioli and request the President to communicate to Mr.Biagioli, the FPL Commission and the ARB Commission the opinion of the Council.

CM1-2024/18To note the Technical Commission’s report.

CM1-2024/19To recognise Chess Online Pairing Programme (COPP)as a FIDE Endorsed product.

CM1-2024/20To approve the Technical Commission’s proposal regarding Basic Rules for Swiss System.Table of changes.

CM1-2024/21To approve the Technical Commission’s proposal regarding FIDE (Dutch) System.Table of changes.

CM1-2024/22To approve the Technical Commission’s proposal regarding References for General Handling Rules for Swiss Tournaments, Dubov System, Burstein System, other FIDE-approved pairings systems, FIDE-approved accelerated systems.

CM1-2024/23To note the Rules Commission’s report.

CM1-2024/24To note the Commission’s for Women’s Chess report.

CM1-2024/25To note the Chess in Multi Sports Games Committee’s report.

CM1-2024/26To note the Planning and Development Commission’s report.

CM1-2024/27To note the Chess in Education Commission’s report.

CM1-2024/28To approve the recommendations of the Chess in Education Commission on titles.

CM1-2024/29To note Continental Presidents’ reports.

CM1-2024/30To appoint FIDE Executive Director Mr. V. Bologan as a FIDE Council’s representative for discussions with the relevant authorities of the country and Chess Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Mr.Bologan shall come back to the Council with specific proposals on how to improve the situation related to the Chess Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina by June 3, 2024.

CM1-2024/31To note the FIDE100 Awards structure and timeline.

CM1-2024/32To confirm Ms. Elena Donaldson-Akhmilovskaya, Ms. Nana Alexandria, Ms. Zhu Chen, Mr.Efim Geller, Mr. Robert Hübner, Mr. Vladimir Kramnik, Ms. Irina Levitina, Mr.Fredrik Olafsson, Mr. Oscar Panno, and Mr.Lev Polugaevsky, as FIDE inductees to the World Chess Hall of Fame for the year 2024.

CM1-2024/33 To hold the 2024 2ndFIDE Council meeting in July 2024.