Fair Play Commission leadership update

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The leadership of the FIDE Fair Play Commission has changed. The current Commission’s Councilors Andrew Howie and Vincent Geeraets will take over the roles of Chair and Secretary, respectively. Both are experienced fair play specialists, committed to strengthening FIDE’s efforts in ensuring a fair and secure chess environment.

In recent years, FIDE has made significant strides in fair play: enhancing detection methods, conducting training, establishing titles and providing control routines at major events. These efforts will continue with even greater intensity.

We sincerely thank Bojana Bejatović and Yuri Garrett for their contributions to the Commission’s work.

Moving forward, our priorities include expanding the use of advanced fair play detection tools, training and streamlining the work with arbiters, and strengthening collaboration with federations, tournament organizers, and online platforms. We will organize round table discussions with key stakeholders to align on best practices and further reinforce fair play policies in a professional and cost-efficient manner.

FIDE maintains a zero-tolerance policy for cheating in all its events. We want to serve the chess community in the best possible way, and our mission remains clear: to prevent, detect and catch cheaters, ensuring that chess competitions are fair and secure for all.