Chairpersons and CON, EDC, VER commissions members to be elected at FIDE GA in Budapest

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Dear National Federations,

Dear Chess Friends,

In accordance with the FIDE Charter and the FIDE Electoral Rules, the elections of the Chairpersons and members of the Verification Commission, Ethics and Disciplinary Commission and Constitutional Commission will take place at the FIDE General Assembly, on September 21, 2024, in Budapest, Hungary. 

We would like to kindly remind you that the candidatures for the Chairmen and the Members of the Verification Commission, Ethics and Disciplinary Commission and Constitutional Commission should reach the FIDE Offices by August 21st, 2024, 6 PM CET.

Please use the following link to the Congress website General Assembly – 2024 – FIDE Congress 2024, where the relevant documents (requirements, application and nomination forms) can be obtained under General Assembly.