FIDE publishes the decisions of the 4th FIDE Council meeting 2024, held online on November 10. 2024 4th FIDE Council meeting decisions (PDF)
FIDE publishes the decisions of the 4th FIDE Council meeting 2024, held online on November 10. 2024 4th FIDE Council meeting decisions (PDF)
FIDE publishes the minutes of FIDE Zonal Council Meeting, held on September 20, 2024. 2024 FIDE Zonal Council meeting minutes (PDF)
FIDE publishes the decisions of FIDE General Assembly held on September 21-22, 2024. FIDE General Assembly 2024 decisions (PDF)
FIDE publishes the decisions of 3rd FIDE Council Meeting, held on September 18, 2024. 2024 3rd FIDE Council meeting decisions (PDF)
FIDE publishes the decisions of FIDE Council meeting held on July 21 and 29, 2024. FIDE Council meeting July 21 and 29, 2024, decisions
FIDE publishes the decisions of FIDE Council meeting held on April 13, 2024. FIDE Council meeting April 13, 2024, decisions (PDF)
The International Chess Federation publishes a decision following the recent approval of the Resolution on the Egyptian Chess Federation. The FIDE World Cadet Championship took place in Egypt on 14-27 October, 2023. Due to the tragic events of October 7, 2023, a large number of federations and individual players were unable to arrive/refused to participate in the championship due to concerns about their safety (at least 172 persons from 12 different federations). Despite numerous assurances from the Egyptian Chess Federation, the fees made by those federations/players have not been returned to them in due order. Besides, the Egyptian Chess Federation…
FIDE publishes the Minutes of FIDE Online General Assembly Meeting which was held on December 17, 2023. FIDE General Assembly Minutes (pdf)
FIDE publishes the Minutes of FIDE Online Zonal Council Meeting which was held on December 14, 2023. FIDE Online Zonal Council Meeting Minutes (pdf)