Decisions of the 3rd quarter FIDE Online Council Meeting

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Decisions of the 3rd quarter FIDE Online Council Meeting

30 September 2020


Q3OC-2020/1 To approve the Agenda for the meeting.
Q3OC-2020/2 To approve the President’s proposal to monitor the progress in the All-India Chess Federation.
Q3OC-2020/3 To approve the Treasurer’s report and note the External Auditors’ report for the year 2019.
Q3OC-2020/4 To approve the President’s proposal to further discuss the fee reduction proposal and to finalize it by November 06, 2020.

Q3OC-2020/5 To note the information provided by Mr. Iclicki regarding preparations for the 2020 online GA.

Q3OC-2020/6 To recommend to the General Assembly to admit the Red Sea and Aden Gulf Chess Association as an affiliated organization of FIDE.
Q3OC-2020/7 To call upon the Constitutional Commission to play a more active role regarding the situation in South Africa and to request Mr Rivello to come up with a proposal in the next weeks.

Q3OC-2020/8 To note that the final decision regarding the 2020 Candidates’ Tournament shall be taken by October 05, 2020 conditional on the results of the analysis of the current situation in the respective countries.

Q3OC-2020/9 To note the update provided by Mr Sutovsky regarding the 2021 World Championship Match.

Q3OC-2020/10 To note that the decision regarding the organization of the Women’s World Cup and World Cup 2021 shall be taken at the Online GA.

Q3OC-2020/11 To note the information provided by Mr. Sutovsky in respect to Women’s Grand-Prix.

Q3OC-2020/12 To authorize President to CONSULT with the Moscow authorities regarding timing of the 2021 Olympiad.

Q3OC-2020/13 To note that Belarus official Bodies didn’t demonstrate reliability as FIDE partners and violated their legal obligations to FIDE regarding the events of the 2022 Olympiad cycle; to demand respective compensatory payments and to reserve the right to pursue other legal action.

Q3OC-2020/14 To note information regarding the organization of the World Online Corporate Championship 2020.

Q3OC-2020/15 To note information regarding the organization of the World Bullet Championship 2020.

Q3OC-2020/16 To note that the draft regulations for the 2020 World Online Youth and Cadet Championships shall be provided for the Council’s further consideration.

Q3OC-2020/17 To express gratitude to the FIDE President and the entire team for a successful organization of the 2020 Online Olympiad and to request to take into account the lessons from the event in order to improve regulations and practices for the future.

Q3OC-2020/18 To approve President’s proposal in respect of the Iranian Chess Federation to request drafting of two versions of communication formal and diplomatic to be sent to all FC members for further consideration.

Q3OC-2020/19 To note the GSC report.

Q3OC-2020/20 To approve the new arbiters’ title applications.

Q3OC-2020/21 To approve the list of recommendations of the Arbiters’ classification upgrades.
Q3OC-2020/22 To note the ARB report.
 To note the EDU report.
Q3OC-2020/24 To note the DIS report.

Q3OC-2020/25 To note the WOM report.

Q3OC-2020/26 To note the EDC report.

Q3OC-2020/27 To approve the President’s information regarding the appointment of Mr. Dabilani Buthali (BOT) as the third member of the EDC Fact-finding Committee.

Q3OC-2020/28 To approve the new organizers’ titles.

Q3OC-2020/29 To note the EVE report.

Q3OC-2020/30 To note the FPL report.

Q3OC-2020/31 To approve new Anti-Doping Regulations.

Q3OC-2020/32 To note the MED report.

Q3OC-2020/33 o note the PDC report.

Q3OC-2020/34 To approve the new OTB titles and norms including the ones obtained in Gibraltar Masters 2020.

Q3OC-2020/35 To approve Vice-President Short’s proposal to open an official inquiry into the violation of the 2019 FIDE Fair Play resolution and the FIDE Pairing Rules by the Chief Arbiter at the Gibraltar Masters 2020.

Q3OC-2020/36 To note the QC report.

Q3OC-2020/37 To note the RC report.

Q3OC-2020/38 To note the SC report.

Q3OC-2020/39 To note the SPP report.

Q3OC-2020/40 To note the TEC report.

Q3OC-2020/41 To approve the NEW trainers’ titles and new academies.

Q3OC-2020/42 To approve the TRG report.

Q3OC-2020/43 To approve President’s proposal to redraft a proposal on Academies and titles including a clear distinction between titles and certification process, the latter serving a separate function both in FIDE system and as a signal to all interested parties; to include the stipulation that titles are for life and that trainers shall pay for re-certification; send a proposal to the FC members in a month time.

Q3OC-2020/44 To approve the Data Protection Committee proposals on GDPR conditional on double-checking the terminology.

Q3OC-2020/45 To approve the creation of the Athletes’ Commission.

Q3OC-2020/46 To approve internal rules for the Athletes’ Commission taking into consideration the comments by Mr Short and Mr Dvorkovich.

Q3OC-2020/47 To approve the creation of the Historical Committee; to continue awarding the titles of Honorary member, Life member and most esteemed Friend of FIDE.

Q3OC-2020/48 To investigate how the organization of the forthcoming Zonal events may be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Q3OC-2020/49 To approve the proposal of the FIDE President to charge GM Cheparinov a minimum applicable fee for his transfer and approve his transfer. 

Q3OC-2020/50 To note that the next online meeting of the FIDE Council will take place on December 04, 2020, prior to the 2020 FIDE General Assembly.