Decisions of 2021 2nd FIDE Council Meeting

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List of FIDE Council Decisions

2021 2nd meeting

2 August 2021


CM2-2021/01 To note President’s report.

CM2-2021/02 To note financial report.

CM2-2021/03 To approve that the 2021 FIDE Congress be organized in the 2nd half of December 2021 (the format of the Congress -online or in person meeting — will be determined later) and to entrust the President with the right to agree on the venue with the potential organizers (if the Congress will be held in the form of an in-person meeting).

CM2-2021/04 To note the report on the FIDE Handbook update.

CM2-2021/05 To forward the letter from the Romanian Chess Federation regarding the Mission and Role of FIDE and Prevention of Manipulation of Competitions to the respective Commissions and request their feedback.

CM2-2021/06 To welcome the intention of a creation of a Chess Federation of Benin and to follow-up its proper application for FIDE membership in due course.

CM2-2021/07 To approve the preparation of bidding procedures for all major FIDE events for 2022-2023. Instruct the GSC to prepare the regulations of the relevant tournaments and submit them for approval by the Council.

CM2-2021/08 To open a bidding procedure for the 2026 Chess Olympiad in December 2021.

CM2-2021/09 To approve changes in the FIDE Online Chess Regulations as per Annex 5.2a.

CM2-2021/10 To note the General Strategy Commission’s report.

CM2-2021/11 To note the Arbiters’ Commission’s report.

CM2-2021/12 To approve the recommendations of the Arbiters’ Commission on Seminars, Classification upgrades, Amendments to the FIDE lecturer list, FA norms and titles.

CM2-2021/13 To note the Chess in Education Commission’s report.

CM2-2021/14 To note the Events Commission’s report.

CM2-2021/15 To approve the recommendations of the Events Commission on titles.

CM2-2021/16 To consult with FISU when deciding on the format and dates for the proposed World Universities Championship 2022 in Paris.

CM2-2021/17 To note the Commission’s for the Disabled report.

CM2-2021/18 To note the first draft of the Ethics and Disciplinary Code, to collect comments of the FIDE Council members and to send draft to the National Federations for their input not later than September 15, 2021. To organize the work so that all the relevant suggestions would be collected and integrated prior to General Assembly Meeting 2021.

CM2-2021/19 To approve Ms. See Swee Sie (MAS) as a new member of the EDC Fact-finding Committee.

CM2-2021/20 To note the Fair Play Commission’s report.

CM2-2021/21 To conceptually approve the Fair Play Commission’s proposal establishing the “fast track” principle in disciplinary fair-play penalties; to request Messrs. Rivello and Strydom to suggest an optimal implementation model in order to minimize the necessary changes in the FIDE Charter and provide proper division of powers; to prepare the necessary changes in the FIDE Charter (if any) and other regulations accordingly; to request the Athletes’ Commission’s opinion about new rules.

CM2-2021/22 To note the Medical Commission’s report.

CM2-2021/23 To note the Planning and Development Commission’s report and principally to support Commission’s initiatives.

CM2-2021/24 To note the Rules Commission’s report.

CM2-2021/25 To send the proposed changes for the FIDE Laws of Chess presented by the Rules Commission, to the Arbiters’ and Athletes’ Commissions and request their feedback.

CM2-2021/26 To approve the recommendations of the Qualification Commission on titles.

CM2-2021/27 To approve the Qualification Commission’s proposal in respect of amendments for the Rating and Licensing Regulations regarding rights of the Affiliated Organisations for the FIDE Ratings and Participation in the FIDE Events.

CM2-2021/28 To reject appeal from Praveen Balakrishnan (USA) against the Qualification Commission’s decision in respect of his GM title application.

CM2-2021/29 To note the Social Commission’s report.

CM2-2021/30 To consult the Qualification Commission in respect of FIDE IDs for refugees.

CM2-2021/31 To note the Systems of Pairings and Programs Commission’s report.

CM2-2021/32 To note the Technical Commission’s report.

CM2-2021/33 To note the Technical Commission’s proposal in respect of changes in “C.02. Standards of Chess Equipment venue for FIDE Tournaments, rate of play and tie-break regulations” and to request the Arbiters, GSC, Rules, Events, SPP and Qualification Commissions to provide their feedback.

CM2-2021/34 To note the Trainers’ Commission’s report.

CM2-2021/35 To approve the recommendations of the Trainers’ Commission on titles and Academies.

CM2-2021/36 To approve the proposal of the Trainers’ Commission in respect of adding a clause about financial obligations to the existing regulations.

CM2-2021/37 To note the Commission’s for Women’s Chess report and to study further the Commission’s proposal for year 2022 (Women in chess year).

CM2-2021/38 To note the Historical Committee’s report and to start preparations in line with the proposed roadmap.

CM2-2021/39 To note Continental reports.

CM2-2021/40 To approve contract with World Chess in respect of FIDE Online Arena.

CM2-2021/41 To approve a draft resolution in support of Ms. A. Sorokina.

CM2-2021/42 To note the letter from the Polish Chess Federation in respect of Grand Chess Tour in Warsaw.

CM2-2021/43 To organize the next FIDE Council meeting online at the end of October 2021.