1st FIDE Council Meeting 2023: List of decisions

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1st FIDE Council Meeting 2023

Mexico City, Mexico

April 4, 2023



CM1-2023/01 To note President’s report.

CM1-2023/02 To note Treasurer’s report.

CM1-2023/03 To approve the proposal of the FIDE Council Working Group on National Chess Federations’ Arrears on course of actions regarding national chess federations in arrears.

CM1-2023/04 To note information on FIDE major events calendar and approve the regulations for the Women’s World Championship match 2023.

CM1-2023/05 To note the General Strategy Commission’s report.

CM1-2023/06 To approve changes for the FIDE Circuit Regulations.

CM1-2023/07 To note the Arbiters’ Commission’s report.

CM1-2023/08 To approve recommendations of the Arbiters’ Commission on Seminars, Classification upgrades, Amendments to the lecturer list, FA norms and titles.

CM1-2023/09 To approve the FIDE Arbiter Disciplinary Regulations which will come into force from 1st May 2023.

CM1-2023/10 To approve the Arbiters’ Disciplinary Subcommittee membership as follows: C. Munoz (CRC), Norman Ronald King (RSA), Pablyto Robert Baioco Ribeiro (BRA), Jaroslav Benak (CZE), Gendel Oyunchimeg (MGL).

CM1-2023/11 To note the Qualification Commission’s report.

CM1-2023/12 To request the FIDE Legal Director according Qualification Commission’s proposal to draft the amendment to the FIDE Rating Regulations regarding the FIDE Council’ right to rate events in exceptional cases.

CM1-2023/13 To approve a Direct Titles Report Form.

CM1-2023/14 To approve the recommendations of the Qualification Commission on titles.

CM1-2023/15 To instruct the Transfer Regulations Task Force to review and revert to the comments received from ECU, Council members and other parties updating their proposal accordingly.

CM1-2023/16 To continue analysing the request of the ASEAN regarding the reinstatement of direct titles in ASEAN competitions in the context of questions raised by Qualification Commission. To continue consultations with Asian Chess Federation regarding this request before any changes to the Direct Titles rules, in particular regarding the three regional youth competitions, be made.

CM1-2023/17 To note the Trainers’ Commission’s report.

CM1-2023/18 To approve the recommendations of the Trainers’ Commission on titles and Academies.

CM1-2023/19 To approve the Trainers’ Commission’s proposal related to the FIDE Endorsed Academies’ fees

CM1-2023/20 To approve the Trainers’ Commission’s proposal regarding the award of the FIDE Senior Trainer (FST) Title.

CM1-2023/21 To request the Trainers’ Commission to redraft their proposal related to the Captains/Trainers at official FIDE events To elaborate on the idea of having specific requirements for the team captains, especially where financial support of FIDE is provided To submit the updated proposal for the FIDE Council’s voting.

CM1-2023/22 To note the Technical Commission’s report.

CM1-2023/23 To accept the Technical Commissions’ recommendation that Millenium eBoard can be used in hybrid events under the following conditions:

● At the classic tournaments with at least 30 seconds increment per move  ( 40 seconds increment per move is recommended).

● At the rapid tournaments with at least 15 seconds increment per move.

● At the tournaments with players rated under 2200.

● Well prepared arbiters with special technical training are present at the tournament.

● The online platform used needs to offer the possibility to the arbiter to take back one or more moves and reconfigure the clock.

Simultaneously, the FIDE Rules Commission together with Arbiters’ Commission should propose changes to the existing FIDE Online Chess Regulations and the Technical Commission should continue the further cooperation with Millenium in order to improve its regulations to the Technical Commission’s recommendations.

CM1-2023/24 To note the proposed FIDE eBoard Chess Regulations and to request the Rules Commission to discuss the proposal with the Arbiters’ and Athletes’ Commissions.

CM1-2023/25 To conditionally approve use of the DGT 2500 clock, pending confirmation of the Technical Commission that the lever system has been improved and the noise has been reduced.

CM1-2023/26 To accept the FIDE Technical Commission’s conclusion that the idChess in order to be used in FIDE-rated under 2200 only tournament games, must meet the requirement that according to the FIDE Laws of Chess, the notation belongs to the organiser of the competition, and update its regulations accordingly.

Simultaneously, the inter committee work group (Arbiters’, Technical and Rules Commissions) to come with the proposal regarding the update of the relevant FIDE rules and regulations that will allow the use of the IdChess software under specific conditions and the Technical Commission should continue the further cooperation with idChess in order to solve the issue of illegal moves, promotion and importing of games, shortcomings with regards to the recording of the moves and broadcasting.

CM1-2023/27 To approve the recommendations of the Events Commission on titles.

CM1-2023/28 To approve that in exceptional cases, the organisers of the FIDE individual official youth events 2023 may accept individual registrations pending FIDE approval. In such cases, the players may be obligated to participate in the aforementioned competitions under the FIDE flag pending their request.

CM1-2023/29 To award World Junior Chess Championships 2023 to Mexico City, Mexico.

CM1-2023/30 To award World Senior Team Chess Championships 2023 to Ohrid, North Macedonia.

CM1-2023/31 To award World Amateur Chess Championships 2023 to Muscat, Oman

CM1-2023/32 To award the World Youth U-16 Chess Olympiad 2023 to Eindhoven, Netherlands.

CM1-2023/33 To award World Seniors Championships 2023 to Buenos Aires, Argentina subject to the inspection.

CM1-2023/34 To note that World Championship for Players with Disabilities will be organised in Lublin, Poland from August 18 to August 28 2023.

CM1-2023/35 To note the Women’s Chess Commission’s report.

CM1-2023/36 To note the Planning and Development Commission’s report.

CM1-2023/37 To note the Commission on Chess Education report.

CM1-2023/38 To note the Fair Play Commission’s report.

CM1-2023/39 To approve the proposals of the Fair Play Commission on Seminars, Amendments to the lecturer list, norms and titles.

CM1-2023/40  To approve the FPL Title Regulations and forms.

CM1-2023/41 To note the Rules Commission’s report.

CM1-2023/42 To note Continental reports.

CM1-2023/43 To update the FIDE directory in respect of Asian zones.

CM1-2023/44 To recommend the application of the Tonga Chess Federation for the ratification by the General Assembly pending the receipt of the documentation in respect of the national recognition.

CM1-2023/45 To note the report of FIDE and ECU representatives regarding the situation with the Bulgarian Chess Federation and support their suggested way forward. To ask for the progress report and Constitutional Commission’s advisory opinion regarding the Bulgarian chess before the next meeting of the Council.

CM1-2023/46 FIDE recognizes that Dr. Augusto de Muro was appointed as FIDE President by the FIDE General Assembly in Buenos Aires, 1939. FIDE notes that Dr. Augusto de Muro’s appointment was later contested by the previous administration and he was not executing the duties during the war.

CM1-2023/47 To approve and publish the suggested FIDE rules on registering transgender chess players on FIDE database, pending the Constitutional Commission’s confirmation.  To continue elaborating the rules regarding the eligibility of players to women events.

CM1-2023/48 To request the Council members to provide their suggestions and opinions in writing in respect of the proposed FIDE Policy on Prevention and Response to Sexual Harassment and Abuse.  Provide the updated policy for the council’s review.

CM1-2023/49 To request the Council members to submit three candidacies for the induction to the World Chess Hall of Fame.

CM1-2023/50 To announce the dates of the next meeting of the FIDE Council shortly.