
73rd FIDE Congress: 2002 FIDE General Assembly Agenda

FIDE publishes the Agenda of the FIDE General Assembly meeting that was held from 8 to 10 November 2002 in Bled, Slovenia.

General Assembly Agenda


0.1. Constitution of the Committee tasked to establish the legality of the meeting (A.01. – 4.16)

0.2. Obituary

We mourn the transition in the preceding year of friends of FIDE among whom we remember:

Anthony Miles, GM (ENG) Edmar Mednis, GM (USA) Eugene Martinovsky, FM (USA) Hank G. Mostert, ICCF Honorary President, (NED) Akylbek Muratbekov, IA (KGZ) Marcel Caruana (MNC) Eduard Gufeld, GM (USA)

0.3. Report of the committee for legality of the meeting and closing of the register of proxies (A.01. – 4.16)

FIRST DAY AGENDA (A.01. – 12.3 and 12.4) Items 1, 2 and 3

1. Report of the President

President Kirsan N. Ilyumzhinov shall deliver his annual report.

2. Financial Report

2.1. Report of the Auditors

Annex 1 is the Report of the FIDE External Auditors, Messrs Ernst & Young on the financial statement of FIDE for the period 1st January to 31st December 2001.

2.2. Treasurer David Jarrett to report. Annex 2 is the supplementary notes to the accounts.

2.3. Permanent Fund Report

Annex 3 is the Report on the FIDE Permanent fund, by J. Bricola. Permanent Fund Administrator J. Bricola of Switzerland has submitted his letter of resignation to the President. Swiss Chess Federation as one of the three trustees of FIDE has been requested to appoint someone to replace him.

2.4. Report of Verification Commission

Annex 4 is the Verification Commission report.

2.5. Discharge of the Treasurer

General Assembly approves Treasurer`s report and discharges the Treasurer from his obligations.

3. Electoral Matters

3.1 Roll-Call

3.2 Appointment of three scrutineers

3.3 The list of candidates for elections into various FIDE offices are as follows :

3.3.1 Presidential tickets

President : Mr. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov (Russia) Deputy President : Mr. Georgios Makropoulos (Greece) Vice President : Mr. P.T. Ummer Koya (India) General Secretary : Mr. Noureddine Tabbane (Tunisia) Treasurer : Mr. David Jarrett (England) * President: Mr. Ignatius Leong (Singapore) * Deputy President: Mr. Morten Sand (Norway) * Vice President : Mr. Lin Feng (China) * General Secretary : Mr. Jean-Claude Loubatiere (FRA) * Treasurer : Mr. Uvencio Blanco (Venezuela) * Under and by virtue of the agreement (Annex 6) made between representatives of the two Presidential tickets dated 21 September 2002, Mr. Ignatius Leong has withdrawn his Presidential ticket.

3.3.2 Continental Presidents (and other Continental Officials) to be decided at Continental Assembly

Africa Mr. Slim Bouaziz (Tunisia) Mr. Nizar Eli Elhaj (Lybia) Mr. Lewis Ncube (Zambia) Mr. Lincoln Njenga (Kenya)

Americas Mr. Jorge Vega (Mexico)

Asia Mr. Khalifa Mohammed Al Hitmi (Qatar)

Europe Mr. Boris Kutin (Slovenia) Mr. Javier Ochoa de Echaguen Estibalez (Spain) Mr. Jaan Ehlvest (Estonia)

3.4 Elections for membership of the Executive Board.

3.5 Elections for Zonal Presidents.

3.6 Elections for Commissions and Committees

Ethics Commission Verification Commission Constitutional Committee Players` Council


4. Reopening of the register of proxies.

Additional report of committee for legality of the meeting.

Section A : Administrative Matters

5. Affiliations and Exclusions.

5.1. Affiliations.

Presidential Board in the course of the year granted provisional membership to a number of Federations which list shall be published before the commencement of the General Assembly.

5.2 Exclusions.

Cases of the Federations temporarily excluded for non fulfilment of their financial obligations toward FIDE shall be submitted to the General Assembly for decision on their definite exclusion.

Section B: Constitutional Committee

Proposed Amendments to Statutes and Regulations

STATUTES (2/3 majority vote)

6.1. The Secretariat in consultation with FIDE`s Solicitors shall submit proposals on amendments to Statutes regarding the power of the Executive Board to carry out fully all the functions of the General Assembly on non-Olympiad years except matters of elections and change of statutes.

6.2. Annex 5 is the proposal of the USCF to split American Continent in two (also to be discussed at American Continental Assembly).

6.3. a) Annex 6 is the terms of the Agreement reached between the two Presidential tickets concerning inter alia the number of Vice Presidents (with right to vote) to be individually elected or nominated by the President of FIDE. b) Annex 6A is the original proposal of FIDE Zone President Ignatius Leong.

6.4. FIDE Treasurer shall submit a proposal to change statutes A.01.- 13.10 and 13.11 to cover expenses by credit card.

6.5. Players` Council.

In the light of the Prague Agreement the Presidential Board recommends the adoption of the GM Steering Committee as assuming the functions of the Players` Council.

REGULATIONS (simple majority vote)

6.6. After approval of Presidential Board (Doha July 4th 2002) General Secretary submits proposal on amendment to regulations regarding eligibility to participate In FIDE events (C.05) proposing :

1/ Players who play in FIDE events despite their non-eligibility, shall have an additional two years added to the period before being eligible to play.

2/ To cancel article 4.3 regarding resident players in the country of federation readmitted to FIDE.

3/ To cancel article 6 regarding transitional arrangements which are no longer valid.

6.7. After approval of Presidential Board (Moscow December 2001 and Doha July 2002) FIDE Treasurer submits 7 proposals to amend financial regulations.

6.7.1 (A.03 – 7.3): Entry fees to be waived for participants of organizing federation for all youth competitions.

6.7.2 (A.03. – 10.4): Late report service charge of CHF 100 for each report and invoices to be submitted to federations every quarter.

6.7.3 The regulation regarding action to be taken on rating and titles for players from no service Federation shall only be included in the &rsquoHandbook&rsquo under Financial regulations. It is proposed that tournaments submitted for rating by non-service Federation shall be returned to the Federation. There will be a delay of three months from the time a federation no longer receives service to the implementation of this regulation.

6.7.4 It is proposed that the entry fee for the World Amateur be set at CHF 50 for players who are not exempt from fee.

6.7.5 Some Financial regulations are included under title regulations and should be removed to Financial Regulations.

6.7.6 On recommendation of the Steering Committee which wishes to encourage as many players as possible to play in FIDE individual events, it is proposed to double all entries fees to FIDE events (World and Continental) and to allow a discount of 50% to players from federations in good standing. This will permit individual players from federations, which are not receiving services to play in Fide events.

6.7.7 Presidential Board approved at its the meeting held in Moscow in December 2001 the proposal of FIDE Treasurer to amend the Financial regulations formalising the entry fees for new titles as Candidate Master, Women Candidate Master and FIDE Category Players.

The sum of CHF 75.- was proposed by the treasurer and approved by the Board.

6.8. New World Championship Regulations.

World Championship Committee Chairman, FIDE Deputy President Georgios Makropoulos to submit report on the meeting of his Committee.

Annex 7 are the relevant documents from the Prague Agreement. Annex 8 represents proposals from the GM Steering Committee meetings. Annex 9 is the proposal from GM Yasser Seirawan.

6.9. The German Chess Federation submits for approval regulations for the World Senior Blitz Championship (Annex 10). Presidential Board at its meeting in Moscow 8-9 September 2002, mandated a Technical Committee of Rating Administrator C. Abundo and Arbiter`s Council Chairman P. Nikolopoulos to study and advise the Board while it struck out the requirements of a bloc entry fee payment to FIDE in the sum of CHF 300.- by the Organizer.

6.10. Stewart Reuben, Chairman Organizers Committee submits proposal to improve and clarify International Titles Regulations (Annex 11).

6.11. Willy Icliki member of Executive Board and Chairman of the World Championship Cycle Committee submits proposal (Annex 12) to change &rsquoTime Control&rsquo for Olympiads. Presidential Board submits this proposal to General Assembly for discussion.

6.12. Annex 11A is the principles for the strategy to give financial autonomy to Continents (also to be discussed at Continental Assemblies).

6.13. Penalties for late submission of rating reports. Presidential Board at its meeting held in Doha, 6-7 July 2002, resolved that discussions should be held between FIDE and the Federations of Germany, France and Spain, which were protesting the fees charged against their Federations in this regard Annex 12B is the exchange of correspondence between FIDE and the German, French and Spanish Federations.

FIDE Deputy President G. Makropoulos and Treasurer David Jarrett to report.

Section C : Ethics Commission

7. Annex 13 is the agreement signed in Bucharest, which the Presidential Board at its meeting in Moscow, 8-9 September 2002, recommends as a substitute to the recommendation of the Executive Board in Halkidiki (September 2001) with respect to the crisis in Romanian chess.

Annex 13A is the excerpt of the Minutes of the Presidential Board in respect of this matter.

Section D : Technical Commission

8. Technical Commission Chairman Yasuji Matsumoto has presented his letter of resignation from this position to the President.

9. Rules and Tournament Regualations Committee.

Rules and Tournament Regulations Committee Chairman Geurt Gijssen to report.

Annex 13B is the proposed agenda from Rules and Tournament Regulations Committee Chairman Geurt Gijssen.

10. Swiss Pairings Committee.

Swiss Pairings Committee Chairman Christian Krause to report.

Section E : Qualification Commission

11. Qualification Commission Chairman Mikko Markkula to report.

12. Titles and Ratings Committee.

Committee Chairman Kevin O`Connell to report.

Annex 14 is the proposal of former World Champion Viswanathan Anand.

Annex 14A is the proposed changes in Regulations due to lowering of the rating floor by Organisers Committee Chairman Stewart Reuben.

13. Arbiters` Council.

Arbiters` Council Chairman Panagiotis Nikolopoulos to report.

Section F : Chess Events Commission

14. Commission Chairman Steve Doyle to report.

15. Next Cycle of the Women`s World Championship.

World Championship Cycle Committee Chairman Willy Iclicki to report.

16. Organizers Committee.

Committee Chairman Stewart Reuben to report.

Annex 15 is the Agenda for the Organisers Committee meeting.

Annex 15A is the proposal concerning the FIDE Calendar structure. Deputy President G. Makropoulos and Continental President B. Kutin to report.

17. Youth and Junior Events Committee.

Committee Chairman P.T. Ummer Koya to report.

Section G : Development Commission

18. Commission Chairman Juan Angel Mas to report.


CACDEC Chairman Israel Gelfer to report. Annex 15B is the agenda of the CACDEC meeting.

20. Committee on Chess in Schools.

Committee Chairman Nicola Palladino shall conduct the meeting of the Committee on Chess in Schools and report. Annex 16 is the Report of Committee Chairman Nicola Palladino.

21. Committee on Women`s Chess.

Committee Chairperson N. Alexandria has presented her letter of resignation to the President.

22. Committee on Chess for the Disabled.

Chairman of the Committee on Chess for the Disabled, Mr. G. Walsh to report.

23. Committee on International Organizations.

FIDE delegate to UNESCO, Roman Toran to report.

24. Players` Council.

25. Trainers` Committee.

Section H: Special Commissions

26. Special Commission Chairman Khalifa Al Hitmi to report.

27. Chess Information, Publication and Statistics.

Committee Chairman Gaguik Oganessian to report.

28. Chess Art and Exhibition Committee.

29. Computer Chess Committee.

30. Chess Philately.

31. International Committee of Silent Chess (ICSC).

Annex 17 is the report from the ICSC.

32. International Correspondence Chess Federation (ICCF).

Section I : FIDE Medical Commission

33. Chairman Pedro Barrera to report.

Section J : FIDE meetings, Tournaments and Matches

34. Presidential Board.

1st quarter Presidential Board meeting 2003.

35. Executive Board Meeting 2003 / 74th FIDE Congress.

36. 75th FIDE Congress 2004 and 36th Olympiad 2004.

President of the Spanish Chess Federation Mr. Javier Ochoa shall report on preparations for the 75th FIDE Congress, which shall be held concurrent with the 2004 Olympiad in Menorca, Spain.

37. 76th FIDE Congress 2005.

FIDE invites bids for this event.

38. 77th FIDE Congress 2006 and 37th Chess Olympiad 2006.

We present the bids for the 2006 FIDE Congress and Chess Olympiad in order of receipt.

All Indian Chess Federation, Hyderabad (Annex 18) Italian Chess Federation, Torino (Annex 19) Estonian Chess Federation, Tallinn (Annex 20)

39. World Championship and Women`s World Championship 2003.

40. World Juniors and Girls Championships 2002.

The All India Chess Federation shall organise this event from 8 to 20 December 2002 in Panjim, Goa.

41. World Juniors and Girls Championships 2003.

On agreement of the Armenian Chess Federation, the Chess Federation of Azerbaijan submits its bid (Annex 21) to host the 2003 World Juniors and Girls Championship in Baku.

42. World Youth Championships U-10, U-12, U-14, U-16 and U-18 2003 and 2004.

The Greek Chess Federation was granted the rights to organise these events.

43. World Youth Championships 2005, 2006 and 2007.

The French Chess Federation (Annex 22) and the All India Chess Federation (Annex 23) submit bids for these events.

Presidential Board meeting at its meeting in Doha, 6-7 July 2002, resolved to recommend the award of the hosting of the Youth events on an annual basis by Federation.

44. World Seniors Championships 2003.

45. World Amateur Championship 2002.

Presidential Board approved the bid of the Brazilian Chess Federation to organise this event from 8 to 16 December 2002, in Bento Gon§¤alves.

46. World Amateur Championship 2003.

47. World Youth Rapid Chess Championship 2003.

48. World Team Championship 2005.

Presidential Board at its meeting in Goa, 10 March 2002 endorsed the bid from All India Chess Federation to organise the 2005 World Team Championship in Goa.

49. 2003 Childrens Olympiad.

Per regulations, FIDE invites bids for the 2003 Children??s Olympiad.

50. World Cities Championship.

51. Proposed FIDE Rapid Grand Prix.

52. World University Chess Championship 2003.

53. World Chess Cup 2003.

Section K : Reports of Continental Presidents

54. Report of European Continental President.

Continental President for Europe Boris Kutin to report.

55. Report of Continental President for Americas.

Continental President for the Americas Dr. Pedro Barrera to report.

Annex 24 is the Agenda of the meeting for the Confederation of Chess for the Americas.

56. Report of Asian Continental President.

Continental President for Asia, Mr. Khalifa Al-Hitmi to report.

57. Report of African Continental President.

Continental President Mr. Lakhdar Mazouz to report.

Section L : Other Matters

58. Honours list : to be presented by FIDE President :

Alfred Kinzel (GER) : Knight of FIDE Claus Spahn (GER) : Gold Merit Award GM Lothar Schmid (GER) : FIDE Honorary Member Yasuji Matsumoto (JPN) : FIDE Honorary Member

Section M : Entry on duty of elected officials

59. Entry on duty of elected officials.

60. Nomination by FIDE President of Vice Presidents and Honorary Vice Presidents.

61. Nomination by FIDE President of Commission??s and Committee`s Chairmen and members.

62. Approval of minutes on the day of departure from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm on 11 November 2002.




List of Annexes


1. Report of the FIDE External Auditors.
2. Supplementary notes to the accounts.
3. Report on the FIDE Permanent fund.
4. Verification Commission report.
5. Proposal of the USCF to split American Continent in two.
6. Agreement made between representatives of the two Presidential tickets.
6A Original proposal of FIDE Zone President Ignatius Leong.
7. Documents from the Prague Agreement.
8. Proposals from the GM Steering Committee meetings.
9. Proposal from GM Yasser Seirawan.
9A. Proposal from GM Yasser Seirawan.
10. Regulations for the World Senior Blitz Championship.
11. Proposal from S. Reuben to improve and clarify International Titles Regulations.
12. Proposal from W. Iclicki to change `Time Control` for Olympiads.
12A Principles for the strategy to give financial autonomy to Continents.
12B Exchange of correspondence between FIDE and the German, French and Spanish Federations.
13. Agreement signed in Bucharest with respect to the crisis in Romanian chess.
13A Excerpt of the Minutes of the Presidential Board in respect of the crisis in Romanian chess.
13B. Agenda from Rules and Tournaments Committee Chairman Geurt Gijssen.
14. Proposal of former World Champion Viswanathan Anand.
14A Proposed changes in Regulations due to lowering the rating floor.
15. Agenda for the Organisers Committee meeting.
15A Proposal on the FIDE Calendar.
15B Agenda for the CACDEC meeting.
16. Report of Committee Chairman Nicola Palladino.
17. Report from the ICSC.
18. Bid from All Indian Chess Federation for the 2006 Chess Olympiads.
19. Bid from Italian Chess Federation for the 2006 Chess Olympiads.
20. Bid from Estonian Chess Federation for the 2006 Chess Olympiads.
21. Bid from Chess Federation of Azerbaijan for the 2003 World Juniors and Girls Championship.
22. Bid from the French Chess Federation for the World Youth Championships 2005, 2006 and 2007.
23. Bid from All India Chess Federation for the World Youth Championships 2005, 2006 and 2007.
24. Agenda of the meeting for the Confederation of Chess for the Americas.