Schools receive FIDE School Awards

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The FIDE Chess School Award has a multi-dimensional purpose: to enhance the quality and position of chess in the broader education system. The first objective is to provide recognition and motivation for existing Chess in Education activities and programs in schools through a certification process. The second objective is to serve as a quality assurance tool for the improved and established standard of educational chess delivery.

In June, 22 schools from 14 countries achieved the FIDE School Award. This title represents global recognition of a school’s commitment to introducing students to the benefits of chess as an educational tool. Of the 22 schools, three received the Bronze level award, six received the Silver award, and 13 received the Gold Award.

We are proud to recognize these schools for their excellent chess programs and commitment to education. A big thank you to all participating schools for their hard work and dedication.

Check out the complete list of awarded schools here.

In addition to the certificate, schools also receive the following benefits:

  • ChessKid memberships – up to 500 Gold memberships (for four months) for each school.
  • A 20% Discount for teachers of your school to attend an online Preparation of Teachers (PoT) Course.

Other benefits will be added in the months ahead.

The physical certificates will be presented to leaders of national chess federations during the Chess Olympiad in Budapest, Hungary, in September.

Schools may participate in an upcoming EDU Welcome Webinar, which will include teachers and administrators from FIDE Award schools. The webinar provides an opportunity to interact with the global Chess in Education community.

The second cycle of the FIDE Chess School Award will begin in July 2024. Applications will be invited until October 31, and the awards will be announced in December.

Award-winning school: Peak Primary School

Peak Primary School is located in Kampala – Uganda. Chess was introduced at the school by FIDE School Instructor Kalanzi Jude, the head coach at the school.

The idea was supported by the school administration. Initially, fewer than 20 students enrolled, and currently, Peak Primary School has over 300 children actively involved in chess. The growth of the game is a result of commitment from parents, coaches and the school.

The school has сhess as part of the curriculum and a dedicated chess room for all chess players. It also has a team of qualified coaches from Great Thinkers Chess Academy.