PlusCity Grand Prix: All set for the strongest XXI century chess event in Austria

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A popular chess festival in the PlusCity shopping center (Linz, Austria) organized by ÖSB President Michael Stöttinger is returning this year even bigger. The PlusCity Rapid and Blitz Grand Prix stretching from June 30 to July, 2023, includes Rapid (10+5) and Blitz (3+2) tournaments and the Open Austrian Team Championship. All three competitions are Swiss tournaments (15, 9 and 9-round respectively).

The prize fund amounts to EUR  50,000, surpassing that of the European Rapid and Blitz Championship (EUR 44,000). In the individual competitions, EUR 5,000 is reserved for the winners (EUR 2,500 in both rapid and blitz), with money prizes for the top 10 finishers. In addition, prizes are awarded in eight rating categories as well as to women and young people U12, U14, U16 and U18.

The event can boast a strong lineup that includes Etienne Bacrot (FRA), Parham Maghsoodloo (IRI), Eduardo Iturrizaga (SPA), Alan Pichot (ARG),  Arkadij Naiditsch (AZE), Zdenko Kozul (CRO), Georg Meier (URU), Anna Muzychuk (UKR) and many other titled players.


Regulations PlusCity Rapid and Blitz Grand Prix (in German and English)