The 3rd World Cadets Rapid and Blitz Chess Championships finished in Minsk

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The 3rd FIDE World Cadets Rapid & Blitz Championships among boys and girls under 8, 10 and 12 years old have finished in Minsk (Belarus), on June 18. 635 young chess players from 35 federations took part in the World Cadets Blitz Championships. Two players Aleksandr E. Usov from Russia (Open U-10) and Yeganegi Barad from Iran showed perfect score in the tournament 9/9.

First Deputy Minister of Sports and Tourism Vyacheslav Durnov, FIDE Vice-president Lukasz Turlej and FIDE Vice-president, Head of the Belorussian Chess Federation Anastasia Sorokina delivered speeches at the closing ceremony. The winners of all categories were awarded cups, medals and presents. The organizers of the Championships are the National Olympic Committee of Belarus Republic, Ministry of Sport and Tourism of Belarus republic, Belorussian Chess Federation, chess school FIDE Belarus, President’s sports club of Belarus.

 Girls, U8  
1Diana PreobrazhenskayaRUS8,5
Tong Thai Hoang AnVIE7,5
Mai Chi NguyenVIE7,5
 Girls U10  
1Afruza KhamdamovaUZB8
Evgeniia SatanovskaiaRUS8
Ngoc Vy HoVIE8
 Girls U12  
1Yana ZhapovaRUS8
Klara SzczotkaPOL7
Milana BabicBIH7
 Open U8  
1Barad YeganegiIRI9
Savva TereschenkoRUS8
Maxim TsoyKAZ7,5
 Open U10  
1Aleksandr E. UsovRUS9
Pavel BoykovRUS8
Savva VetokhinRUS7,5
 Open U12  
1Erdem KhubukshanovRUS7,5
Gleb PidluznijLTU7,5
Dmitriy MochalovRUS7,5

Photos: Niki Riga