First Saturday September event Budapest: 3 IM norms

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FIDE Vice president Adeyemi Olalekan visited the event

Another monthly tournament festival First Saturday is completed in Hotel Berlin in Budapest, Hungary. The organizers of the event Nagy László and his wife Mrs.Nagy Ilona Borbély see their mission in providing alternatives for achieving GM, IM, WGM, WIM norms as well as getting or improving FIDE-ratings. To that end, they hold small tournament festivals monthly that usually attract 40-80 players representing 10-15 national federations.

This time around the participants competed in GM and IM groups won by Song Raymond from Taiwan and Robert Stein from Germany respectively. All in all, three norms were completed at First Saturday by FM Robert Stein from Germany (his first IM norm), the Indian WCM Isha Sharma (her fourth WIM norm) and WFM from Israel Michal Lashav (her fourth WIM norm).

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