2024 4th FIDE Council meeting: List of decisions

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4th FIDE Council meeting

November 10, 2024


List of decisions

CM4-2024/01 To note President’s report.

CM4-2024/02 To approve Treasurer’s report.

CM4-2024/03 To approve FIDE Budget 2025-2026 and to send it to National Federations with a Treasurer’s cover letter.

CM4-2024/04 To note the received payment from the Iranian Chess Federation and their updated guaranteed letter. To confirm the proposed debt repayment schedule. To decide that if the overdue debt according to the approved schedule and new FIDE invoices is 20 thousand euros or more and the delay period is 30 days or more, it will entail the automatic suspension of membership of the Iranian Chess Federation.

CM4-2024/05 To note the updated guaranteed letter from the Mexican Chess Federation. To confirm the proposed debt repayment schedule. To decide that if any of the payments according to the approved schedule are delayed by more than 30 days, it will entail the automatic suspension of membership of the Mexican Chess Federation.

CM4-2024/06 To note FIDE Calendar 2024/2025.

CM4-2024/07 To note the Global Strategy Commission’s report.

CM4-2024/08 To approve the Global Strategy Commission’s proposal regarding the last qualification spot to the Women Candidates 2026.

CM4-2024/09 To note the Arbiters’ Commission’s report.

CM4-2024/10 To approve the recommendations of the Arbiters’ Commission on Seminars, Classification upgrades, Amendments to the lecturer list, FA norms and titles.

CM4-2024/11 To approve the recommendations of the Qualification Commission on titles.

CM4-2024/12 To approve the Qualification Commission’s proposal regarding the update of the FIDE Rapid and Blitz Rating Regulations. Table of changes

CM4-2024/13 To approve the recommendations of the Trainers’ Commission on titles and Academies.

CM4-2024/14 To approve the recommendations of the Events Commission on titles.

CM4-2024/15 To approve the recommendations of the Chess in Education Commission on titles.

CM4-2024/16 To note the Commission’s for Women’s Chess report.

CM4-2024/17 To note the Chess in Multi Sports Games Committee’s report.

CM4-2024/18 To note the Rules Commission’s report.

CM4-2024/19 To approve the Fair Play Commission’s proposals regarding FIDE FPL Appointment Regulations, FIDE FPL Financial Regulations (Table of Changes), Fair Play Protection Measures (Table of Changes), Fair Play Regulations (Table of Changes) and Chief Arbiter-Chief Fair Play Officer division of tasks.

CM4-2024/20 To note the Planning and Development Commission’s report.

CM4-2024/21 To note Continental Presidents’ reports.

CM4-2024/22 To extend the authority of Mr. N Short as a reverse delegate for the Burkina Faso Chess Federation until the next FIDE General Assembly.