2023 3rd FIDE Council Meeting: List of decisions

2023 3rd FIDE Council Online Meeting 14 December 2023 List of decisions CM3-2023/01 To note President’s report. CM3-2023/02 To approve Treasurer’s report. CM3-2023/03 To recommend to the General Assembly to approve the FIDE budget for the year 2024 and provisional FIDE budget for the year 2025. CM3-2023/04 To recommend the Update of the Financial Rules regarding the tournaments’ fees for the ratification by the General Assembly. CM3-2023/05 To approve the proposal regarding cancelation of the fees for over-the-board Rapid and Blitz tournaments held in 2024-2026. CM3-2023/06 To recommend to the General Assembly to approve the Constitutional Commission’s report. CM3-2023/07 To request the Bosnia and Herzegovina Chess Federation information that would allow their compliance with Article 11 of FIDE Charter and if necessary to send relevant requests to the national authorities. In case of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Chess Federation’s failure to provide the requested information the FIDE Council to decide on the necessary remedy actions (e.g., appointing a reverse delegate). CM3-2023/08 To recommend the Vanuatu Chess Federation for the ratification by the FIDE General Assembly. CM3-2023/09 To recommend to the General Assembly the expulsion of the Bulgarian Chess Federation 1928 from FIDE. CM3-2023/10 To recommend the application of the Bulgarian Sports Chess Federation for the ratification by the FIDE General Assembly. CM3-2023/11 To recommend to the General Assembly not to ratify the ISCU application as FIDE Affiliated Organisation. CM3-2023/12 To task FIDE Legal Director A. Martynov to represent FIDE at the General Assembly regarding the South African Chess Federation issue. CM3-2023/13 To recommend to the General Assembly to reject the appeal by Chess SA regarding the elections’ result in the South African Chess Federation. CM3-2023/14 To approve that with regards to the request of the Kosovo* Chess Federation, a round of consultations on the possible removal of the asterisk (the footnote reference) be held with the Chess Federations of countries that officially do not recognise Kosovo*, reporting the feedback to the next FIDE Council meeting. To inform the Serbian and Kosovo* Chess Federations that the discussions on this matter shall be continued. CM3-2023/15 To suggest to the General Assembly the voting procedure in respect of the Federations’ proposals regarding the Article 18.12 of the FIDE Charter. CM3-2023/16 To note the proposal of the Lesotho Chess Federation regarding Article 17.6 of the FIDE Charter. CM3-2023/17 To recommend the bid of Abu Dhabi for the vote for the FIDE Chess Olympiad 2028 at the General Assembly. CM3-2023/18 To recommend the bid of Genoa for the vote for the FIDE Chess Olympiad 2028 at the General Assembly. CM3-2023/19 To approve the Resolution regarding participation of team refugees in the FIDE Chess Olympiad 2024. CM3-2023/20 To note the Global Strategy Commission’s report. CM3-2023/21 To note the Arbiters’ Commission’s report. CM3-2023/22 To approve the recommendations of the Arbiters’ Commission on Seminars, Classification upgrades, Amendments to the lecturer list, FA norms and titles CM3-2023/23 To note the Qualification Commission’s report. CM3-2023/24 To approve the recommendations of the Qualification Commission on titles. CM3-2023/25 To approve the Qualification Commission’s proposal regarding the update of the FIDE Rating Regulations, that will come into effect from March 1st 2024. Table of changes. CM3-2023/26 To approve the Qualification Commission’s proposal regarding the update of the FIDE Title Regulations. Table of changes. CM3-2023/27 To approve the proposal Qualification Commission’s proposal regarding the update of the table for direct titles. Table of changes. CM3-2023/28 To confirm the Qualification Commission’s decision to award the GM norm to IM N. Salimova (BUL) for her result in the FIDE Women’s World Cup 2023. CM3-2023/29 To support the Qualification Commission’s decision in respect of its decision not to rate Camp Tournament 2023. CM3-2023/30 To approve the resolution regarding the rating of Mr. Igors Rausis. CM3-2023/31 To approve the Qualification Commission’s request to approve the proposal of the Spanish Chess Federation to convert their National ratings to FIDE ratings for their FIDE unrated players which will result in eliminating of their National rating and rating all their events for FIDE ratings. CM3-2023/32 To approve the recommendations of the Trainers’ Commission on titles and Academies. CM3-2023/33 To approve the Trainers’ Commission’s proposal regarding the update of the Article 2.6. of the Regulations. Table of changes. CM3-2023/34 To approve the Trainers’ Commission’s proposal to add Article 2.3e of the Regulations for FIDE Endorsed Academies. CM3-2023/35 To approve the Trainers’ Commission’s proposal regarding the update of the FIDE Training Seminar participants’ information form. CM3-2023/36 To note the Chess in Education Commission’s report. CM3-2023/37 To approve the Chess in Education Commission’s recommendations for School Instructor titles. CM3-2023/38 To approve the Chess in Education Commission’s proposal to establish the Regulations for FIDE Chess Schools Award, the FIDE pilot project. CM3-2023/39 To approve the Chess in Education Commission’s proposal regarding the update of the Regulations for Accreditation in Chess in Education. Table of changes. CM3-2023/40 Not to accept the AIDEF’s request to translate the documents for Trainers’ Commission’s seminars into French. CM3-2023/41 To approve the Events Commission’s recommendations on titles. CM3-2023/42 To note the Technical Commission’s report. CM3-2023/43 To approve the Technical Commission’s proposal regarding the update of the Play-off and Tie-break Regulations. Table of changes. CM3-2023/44 To note the Women’s Chess Commission’s report. CM3-2023/45 To note the Rules Commission’s report. CM3-2023/46 To note the Planning and Development Commission’s report. CM3-2023/47 To note the Multi-sports Committee’s report. CM3-2023/48 To approve the Ethics and Disciplinary Commission’s report. CM3-2023/49 To note continental reports. CM3-2023/50 To recommend to the General Assembly not to approve the proposal of the Norway Chess Federation in respect of the Transgender Registration Regulations. CM3-2023/51 To reject the proposal of the Jamaica Chess Federation to allow groups of ‘small’ nations to be able to join as a team for the Chess Olympiad. CM3-2023/52 To provide the Jamaica Chess Federation with the report of the FIDE Women’s Chess Commission’s with the view of getting acquainted with the steps and activities which FIDE is undertaking in terms of gender equity. CM3-2023/53 To recommend the list of FIDE awards for the ratification by the General Assembly. 2023 3rd FIDE Council Meeting List of Decisions (pdf)
FIDE General Assembly: List of decisions

FIDE General Assembly December 17th 2023 Online Decisions GA-2023/01 To permanently expel the Bulgarian Chess Federation 1928 from FIDE. GA-2023/02 To approve the admission of The Bulgarian Sports Chess Federation as a new Member Federation of FIDE. GA-2023/03 To approve the admission of the Tonga Chess Federation as a new Member Federation of FIDE. GA-2023/04 To approve the admission of the Vanuatu Chess Federation as a new Member Federation of FIDE. GA-2023/05 To approve the Constitutional Commission’s report. GA-2023/06 To approve the admission of the New Caledonia Chess Federation as a new Affiliated Organization of FIDE. GA-2023/07 To award the organization of the Chess Olympiad 2028 to the city of Abu Dhabi, UAE. GA-2023/08 To delete Article 18.12. of the FIDE Charter. GA-2023/09 Not to approve Lesotho Chess Federation’s proposal regarding Article 17.6 of the FIDE Charter. GA-2023/10 To approve FIDE Council’s proposal regarding Article 13.7 of the FIDE Charter. GA-2023/11 To approve the Verification Commission’s report. GA-2023/12 To discharge the Treasurer from the responsibilities for the financial year 2022. GA-2023/13 To approve the FIDE Budget for the year 2024 and provisional FIDE Budget for the year 2025. GA-2023/14 To re-appoint Ernst & Young as External Auditor for annual audit of FIDE accounts for 2023. GA-2023/15 To approve the update of the Financial Rules regarding the Bid Fees and Deposit Fees for Organization of FIDE Events and amend Articles 4.2 and 5.2 accordingly. GA-2023/16 To reject the South Africa Chess Federation’s appeal. GA-2023/17 To reject the Norway Chess Federation’s proposal regarding the Transgender Registration Regulations. GA-2023/18 To approve FIDE Awards. FIDE General Assembly Decisions (pdf)
FIDE Circuit: Caruana is the winner, Gukesh moves to second position

Fabiano Caruana continued his 2023 hot streak at the end of November, and after clinching the 2023 GCT Sinquefield Cup, he became the winner of FIDE Circuit. With just one competition to play, the FIDE World Rapid and Blitz Championship, Fabiano is out of reach of his closest rivals (according to regulations, only five best scores by a particular player count toward the final score). Given that Caruana already qualified for the Candidates in the World Cup, the second place in the FIDE Circuit (which gives a ticket to the Candidates) is worth its weight in gold. Dommaraju Gukesh overtook Anish Giri in the FIDE Circuit standings and moved to second place following his strong showing in the Chennai Grand Masters, where he tied for the top position and collected 20 points. His compatriot Arjun Erigaisi picked up 18 points in this competition, coming to a striking distance to Wesley So (who also increased his tally to 83.4 points after the GCT Sinquefield Cup) and Anish Giri. The race for second place in FIDE Circuit is entering the home stretch with three players – Gukesh, Giri, and Erigaisi – fighting for the spot in the Candidates. The upcoming FIDE World Rapid and Blitz Championship will decide who out of this trio qualifies for Toronto through FIDE Circuit. Wesley So is not among the participants of the FIDE World Rapid and Blitz Championship, but he has a chance to make it to the Candidates by rating. FIDE Circuit Race Top 10 as of December 22, 2023 You can find full current standings on wcc.fide.com/fide_circuit.phtml
World Amateur and World Senior Championships 2024: Call for bids closed

The call for bids for the World Amateur and World Senior Championships 2024 is completed. The deadline was December 21, 2023. On December 1, 2023, the FIDE Events Commission reopened the procedure “Call for Bids FIDE World Amateur Championships 2024 and World Senior Championships 2024”. Three bids were received by the deadline: 2 for the World Amateur Chess Championships (from the Chess Federation of Greece and the US Chess Federation) and 1 for the World Senior Chess Championship 2023 (Portuguese Chess Federation).