Ding Liren and Ian Nepomniachtchi head for final tie-breaker

Following a draw in game 14, Ding Liren and Ian Nepomniachtchi are both on seven points and are headed for a final tie-breaker in the FIDE World Championship It was the game which could have decided everything. However, after a failed attempt by Ding to organise an attack early on, the two players went for an exchange of queens transpiring into an even position where Black had a slight edge. In the end, Nepomniachtchi was pushing for a victory in an even rook endgame, trying to drain his opponent’s energy and break him, but Ding defended well. In the first few moves of the Nimzo-Indian Defence, Ding and Nepomniachtchi followed the opening moves of game five in which the Chinese player achieved a decisive advantage but failed to capitalise on it. Ding decided to deviate from that game on move five but the position was calm as both sides were still in the opening phase. However, on move 12, Ding decided to start an attack on the black king’s castle. The move was coated with ideas of making brave and fierce sacrifices on the board, evoking the romantic era of chess where the player’s character and audacity were above calculation and precision. Nepomniachtchi wasn’t fazed by this and brushed off White’s overly ambitious advances. Ding was soon forced to confess that his idea had failed. He then went on for an exchange in the centre, leading to the queens and several pieces being removed from the board. The resulting position was even, with White’s doubled pawns giving Black a slight advantage. Undeterred, Ding opted for another ambitious and risky plan – to temporarily give up a pawn to get some activity – but ended up with his pieces being more exposed across the board. As the game moved on, the nature of the position was becoming ever more uncomfortable for White. Although the world championship was hanging on this game, Ding opted for risky strategies which effectively gave way to Black. At one point Nepomniachtchi achieved a significant advantage but with one imprecise move, he let White level the game. Despite treading a fine line, Ding managed to maintain his position and eventually discovered a splendid combination to simplify the game and reach a rook endgame where he was a pawn down but the position was even. Nepomniachtchi pushed on and Ding had to be very precise to prove he could hold a draw. Just as it seemed we were on the brink of a threefold repetition, Nepomniachtchi decided to play on as he sent his king towards the left flank and allowed Black to capture a pawn on the kingside. Despite things getting sharper and Ian trying to unsettle White, Ding found the precise moves to keep the position even. Nepomniachtchi was gradually chipping away at Ding’s time and nerves, hoping he will break at one point. However, the Chinese player managed to hold. After trying every single approach to find victory, on move 90 and after six and a half hours of play, the final classical game of the 2023 FIDE World Championship match ended in a draw. It remains to be seen whether this long and draining game will impact the players in their tie-break showdown on Sunday. In the drawing of lots it was determined that Ding Liren will be leading white pieces in the first game of the tie-breaks. Here follows a closer look at game 14 of the match. After 13 games which saw seismic swings in the play and the result, the score was even: 6.5 to 6.5. It was all down to the final, 14th game of the match. Ding Liren – who has played the role of the underdog throughout the match – was leading white pieces. Some five minutes before the round, Ding Liren arrived at the board, meticulously readjusting each white piece before scribbling his opponent’s name on the score sheet. As he took a sip of water, Ian Nepomniachtchi strode in – in a blue shirt and not wearing a jacket. The two rivals exchanged a handshake without meeting each other’s gaze. Ding stood up, removing his jacket and placing it on the back of his chair. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as both players maintained an air of stoic calm, neither daring to make eye contact. The first move was made by MäulenÄşimbaev, The Chair of the Senate of Kazakhstan and Alanna Berikkyzy, winner of the FIDE World School Chess Championship. As the Chief Arbiter Nebojsa Baralic started the clock the two players shook hands. It was the first time their eyes met, but only for a second. 1.d4 Played by Ding.1…Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 Ian opted for the Nimzo-Indian Defence. This opening was seen once before in the match, in game eight where Ding Liren surprised Nepomniachtchi in the beginning, achieved a winning position but then dropped it all and allowed him to draw. “Quite exciting to see this. It reveals Ding’s attitude – he’s not going to play it safe I guess”, said Grandmaster Daniil Dubov upon seeing the opening moves. “The Nimzo is an invitation for a big game which Black cannot really avoid”, he added. In this opening, Black usually gives up a bishop pair but gets a better pawn structure and easier development as compensation. In the Rubinstein variation after 4.e3 0-0 5.Bd2 Ding chose not to play 5.a3 as in game eight, but a different move which has become popular in recent years. “A super solid 5.Bd2 Nimzo”, former world champion Vishy Anand called it. Ding stood up as he made the move, while Nepomniachtchi mischievously smiled when he saw what was on the board. “I didn’t buy it” said Nepo after the game, explaining his reaction. “I just didn’t see how it would work”. The opponents followed the footsteps of Donchenko and Wojtaszek (2021) up to move nine when Ian introduced a sensible novelty 9…dxc4, which is the first line of Stockfish. From this point on, Ding started spending more time