FIDE Events Commission: Call for Bids

FIDE announces the Call for Bids for the Junior, Senior, and Amateur World Championships, as well as the World Youth Olympiad. Bidders are given a deadline of January 10, 2023. CALL FOR BIDS FIDE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2023 Deadline 10th of January 2023 World Junior Chess Championships 2023 World Senior Team Chess Championships 2023 World Amateur Chess Championships 2023 World Youth U-16 Chess Olympiad 2023 *** (please, check below) A bid for any FIDE Competition must include the name of a FIDE-licensed International Organizer. All bids should be submitted by the due date in a sealed envelope or scanned document to the FIDE Secretariat, postal address: Avenue de Rhodanie 54, 1007 Lausanne, Switzerland / Tel: + (41) 21 6010039 / Email: by 10th of January 2023, 16:00 CET. Bid fees and Deposit fees can be found in the FIDE Handbook. Bid Fees are not refundable. Bid fees should be paid the latest by 10th of January 2023 to the FIDE bank account (free of charges) or to be enclosed in the bid envelope. FIDE Bank Details: ACCOUNT NAME: FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DES ECHECS BANK NAME: CAIXABANK S.A BANK ADDRESS: AV. DIAGONAL, 621-629, 0828 BARCELONA BIC/CODE SWIFT: CAIXESBBXXX IBAN: ES32 2100 0555 3107 0028 5124 All bidders must fill in full the bid form and the bid form annexe. BID FORM BID FORM ANNEX The price of hotels, details about the accommodation and tournament hall must be specified in the bid. The FIDE Events Commission will make inspections. There will be a second inspection of the awarded organisation two to four months before the event. Accommodation and local transfer costs of the inspections must be paid by the organisers. FIDE Officials (Appeals Committee, Chief Arbiter and Deputy Arbiter/s) will be decided and appointed by FIDE, considering the organisers’ opinion. The FIDE Technical Delegate will be appointed by the FIDE Events Commission with the approval of the FIDE President. All bidders must follow: – FIDE Fair Play regulations, – FIDE Medical Commission regulations, – Guidelines for marketing and communications to be applied at FIDE events. *** The regulations of the World Youth U-16 Chess Olympiad 2023 were amended by FIDE Council in November 2022 as follows: – The World Youth U-16 Chess Olympiad 2023 will be held in odd years starting from 2023. – The competition shall last 7 days, 9 rounds with a time control of 45 minutes + 10 seconds for each participant. – The Organizing Committee shall provide free board and lodging (in three rooms) for each invited team (4 players and team captains). DOWNLOAD DOCUMENT
FIDE December 2022 rating list published

The December FIDE rating list is out. Only the women’s top 10 saw some minor shifts, mainly because of the Women’s Candidates Pool A in Monaco, while the overall top 10 was unaffected by last month’s tournament action. The only visible position change is Tan Zhongyi’s return to the top 10 Women after winning the Chinese championship. Biggest gains in Top 100 Open and Women Lu, Miaoyi CHN 2399 (+37) Batsiashvili, Nino GEO 2493 (+26) Yu, Yangyi CHN 2728 (+12) Salimova, Nurgyul BUL 2390 (+11) Lei, Tingjie CHN 2545 (+10) Osmak, Yuliia UKR 2451 (+9) Moussard, Jules FRA 2684 (+8) Anton Guijarro, David ESP 2675 (+7) Photo: 12-year-old Chinese player Lu Miaoyi (pictured above) got the highest rating gain in the top-100 lists (overall & women); she earned 36.8 points following her excellent performance in the Prva Liga Srbije 2022 and climbed to 2399 and #52 in the Women’s rankings – and #6 in the Girls list. Over the last two months, Lu Miaoyi increased her rating by 126 points. Nino Batsiashvili also did a great job in this competition, and after netting 26 rating points, he repeated her career-high (15th position) in the top 100 Women. Lei Tingjie not only punched her ticked to the Women’s Candidates final but also picked up 10 rating poitns along the way. Photo: Mark Livshitz Yu Yangyi and Jules Moussard (pictured above) won prestigious tournaments Fall Chess Classic in the USA and Turnir Mira in Croatia and earned 12 and 8 rating points, respectively. Let’s say a few words about the rapid rating changes, given several big competitions in this format in November, including Grand Prix Romania and World Team Championship. Wesley So emerged as the winner of the 2022 Global Championship (a hybrid event rated by FIDE) and picked up 16 rating points. David Navara finished a full point ahead of his main rivals in Grand Prix Romania and earned 11 rating points. Lastly, the World Team Championship 2022, held in Israel, brought together many strong players from 12 leading chess countries. Looking at the Top 100 Rapid, we can see that only Lu Shanglei (+17), Tamir Nabaty (+8) and David Anton Guijarro (+7) substantially increased their rating, but it is only part of the picture. Photo: Mark Livshitz The biggest beneficiaries of the World Team Championship are boards 3 and 4 of the Chinese squad Bai Jinshi and Li Di (pictured above), who gained 35 and 32 rating points, respectively, and made a major contribution to China’s success in Jerusalem.