2022 FIDE General Assembly: List of decisions

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2022 FIDE General Assembly List of decisions

August 7-8, 2022

GA-2022/01 To approve Treasurer’s report.

GA-2022/02 To approve the Verification Commission’s report

GA-2022/03 To discharge the Treasurer from the responsibilities for the financial year 2021

GA-2022/04 To re-appoint Ernst & Young as External Auditor for annual audit of FIDE accounts for 2022.

GA-2022/05 To elect three Scrutineers: Mr. George Kweku Arko-Dadzie, Mr. Ragai Al Susi and Ms. N. Rob.

GA-2022/06 To note the results of the completed elections in Zones and Continents.

GA-2022/07 To note that the ticket B. Kouatly-I.Wilkinson has withdrawn from the FIDE Presidential elections.

GA-2022/08 To elect Mr. A. Dvorkovich as FIDE President and Mr. A. Viswanathan as FIDE Deputy President.

GA-2022/09 To elect the following as FIDE Vice-Presidents: Sheikh Saud bin Adulaziz Al Mualla (UAE), Ms. Xie Jun (CHN), Mr. Georgios Makropoulos (GRE), Mr. Michael Khodarkovsky (USA)

GA-2022/10 To elect the following FIDE President’s nominations: Mr. Mahir Mammedov (AZE) – Vice-President, Mr. Joran Aullin-Jansson (NOR) – Vice-President, Ms. Zhu Chen (QAT) – Treasurer, Mr. Olalekan Adeyemi (NGR) – Vice-President, Mr. Mario Antonio Ramirez Barahas (MEX) – Vice-President/Secretary of the Council

GA-2022/11 To elect the following members of the Constitutional Commission: Mr. Daniel Florea (ROU), Ms. Ivy Amoko (UGA).

GA-2022/12 To elect the following member of the Ethics and Disciplinary Commission: Mr. Pedro Dominguez (DOM).

GA-2022/13 To mandate the FIDE Council to approve the FIDE Budget 2023.

GA-2022/14 To approve the update of the Financial Rules regarding tournament fees. 

GA-2022/15 To approve the Mitropa Chess Association as an affiliated member of FIDE. 

GA-2022/16 To readmit the ASEAN Chess Association as an affiliated member of FIDE. 

GA-2022/17 To approve editorial/minor/technical changes in the Laws of Chess.

GA-2022/18 To approve the proposal of the English Chess Federation in respect of the proposed change in the FIDE Charter regarding Article 9.4.

GA-2022/19 To reject the proposals of the Papua New Guinea Chess Federation in respect of the proposed changes in the FIDE Charter, regarding Associate Member Federations and Membership.

GA-2022/20 To approve the Constitutional Commission’s report.

GA-2022/21 To award the organization of the Chess Olympiad 2026 to the city of Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

GA-2022/22 To note the reports of the Continental Presidents.

GA-2022/23 To task the FIDE Council to finalize the issue in respect of the missing FIDE President Mr. Augusto Muro (ARG) for a period 1939-1946.

GA-2022/24 To revert the matter in respect of a GM title for Ms. E. Paehtz (GER) to the FIDE Council to seek a systemic solution allowing to resolve such cases.

GA-2022/25 To approve the title of Honorary members to Messrs. S. Bouaziz (TUN), J. Vega (GUA), V. Hort (GER), A. Tolentino (PHI), K. Jungwirth (AUT).

GA-2022/26 To mandate the FIDE Council to further explore and decide on the matter of non-admission of the Russian and Belarusian teams to FIDE events.

GA-2022/27 To approve the usage of a title Vice-President / Secretary of the Council for the respective Member of the Council.