First FIDE World University Online Championships announced

The International Chess Federation is pleased to announce the First FIDE World University Online Chess Championships. The event is open to students born in 1995 or later, who have their secondary education completed, and are currently officially registered as proceeding towards a degree or diploma at a university. The championships will be organized by the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley ( and will consist of four different competitions that will take place over three consecutive weekends: FIDE World University Individual Online Blitz Championship (13-14 March) FIDE World University Individual Online Rapid Championship (20-21 March) FIDE World University Team Online Rapid Cup (27 March) FIDE World University Team Online Blitz Cup (28 March) Please note that the championships will be played on two different platforms: the individual events will take place on Tornelo, while the team events will be hosted by Chess24. Players who are banned by the hosting internet platform are not eligible to take part in the tournament. FIDE World University Individual Online Blitz Championship (March 13-14, Tornelo) The Individual Blitz Championship will be a 20-round Swiss tournament, with a time control of 3+2. Students from the same university shall not be paired against each other. The winner will be announced the World University Online Blitz Champion 2021, and the highest placed woman will be announced as the World University Online Blitz Women’s Champion 2021. During the registration (see Article 2.A.9 of the regulations), each university can designate up to seven students to form a team that represents it. The top four team members’ scores, (including at least one man’s score and one woman’s score) will count for the team standings that will be used as a qualifier for the FIDE World University Team Online Blitz Cup. The registration deadline is March 5, 2021 (11:59 UTC), and there is no entry fee. However, bear in mind that there is a limit of 1000 participants for this championship, by order of registration. Registration link: Schedule:FIDE World University Individual Online Rapid Championship (March 20-21, Tornelo) The Individual Rapid Championship will be a 12-round Swiss tournament, with a time control of 10+5. Again, students from the same university shall not be paired against each other, and the individual results of the top performers from each university will be used as a qualifier for the World University Team Rapid Cup. Likewise, the event will be played on Tornelo, with a limit of 1000 participants, and March 5 as a deadline (11:59 UTC). Registration link: Schedule:FIDE World University Team Online Rapid Cup (March 27, Chess24) The four best teams according to the final team’s standings of the World University Individual Online Rapid Championship will qualify for the Team Online Rapid Cup.  This competition will be played as Knockout duels of two matches each, with each match played on four boards, with a time control of 10+5. The playing schedule of each duel will be decided taking into consideration the time zones of the qualified teams, and it will be announced by March 23. The winning team will be announced the World University Team Online Rapid Cup Winner 2021 and will be awarded a trophy.   FIDE World University Team Online Blitz Cup (March 28, Chess24) The blitz competition will follow a similar format to the rapid, with four teams playing a knockout. The only differences are obviously the time control, which in this case will be 3+2, and the fact that the duels will consist of four matches between the teams, instead of two. The Tournament Director will be GM Bartlomiej Macieja, with GM Aleksander Mista as his deputy, and IA Tomasz Delega as Chief Arbiter. Technical meetings are scheduled for March 7 (individual championships) and March 26 (teams championships). For more information, please check the complete regulations.   About the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Chess Program The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) won the last two US National Collegiate Chess Championships (Final Four Tournaments), in 2018 and 2019. Both years, the UTRGV was named “The Chess College of the Year” by the US Chess Federation. In recognition of the success, the team was invited to the Texas Capitol in Austin, and honored by the State Governor, Senate, and the House of Representatives: January 2021, the UTRGV played an intercontinental match vs. the current university champions of Russia. The UTRGV won that Clash of University Champions 13.5 vs. 10.5, proving it belongs to the very elite of world university chess. More information: 

FIDE Trainer Awards for 2020-2021

The International Chess Federation, together with the FIDE Trainers’ Commission (TRG), is pleased to announce the 14th FIDE Trainer Awards for 2020 & 2021, which will recognize and celebrate the outstanding achievements of the chess training community. Achievements in 2019 and 2020 will be the basis of the trainers award while for books it will be those published in 2020.  The categories have now been expanded to 10 so that every licensed trainer now has the opportunity to win an award and be recognized by their peers.  Trainers Mikhail Botvinnik Award for the best achievement by trainer(s) in Open Section competitionsVakhtang Karseladze Award for the best achievement by trainer(s) in women’s and/or girl’s competitionsMark Dvoretsky Award for the best achievement by trainer(s) in junior competitionsSamuel Reshevsky for the best achievement by a junior prodigy (U-14) in competitionsYuri Razuvaev Award for special contribution to grassroots education, and social impactTigran Petrosian Award for special contribution to trainer education Vasily Smyslov for the best academy or chess school, to be voted on by the current FIDE endorsed academiesLiu Wenzhe to recognize the first coach, as endorsed by one or more leading chess playersOnline chess training, for delivery or innovation in online chess training Book Authors · Yuri Averbakh/Isaac Boleslavsky Award for best book FIDE and the Trainers’ Commission invites nominations for the awards, under the following regulations: Trainer Nominations 1. The awards must be for achievement in the years of the award 2019 and 2020 2. Achievements from before the licensed period initiated are not eligible. 3. Nominations can be made by FIDE Council members, FIDE Continental & Affiliated Organisations, National Chess Federations, TRG Commission members, Principals of FIDE Endorsed Academies, FIDE Senior Trainers and past winners. 4. No nominator can nominate the same nominee in more than one category. 5. Special nomination forms for each award will be prepared to ensure all pertinent information is provided. 6. All nominations must be sent to the TRG Secretary by 30th April. The Secretary will acknowledge receipt, compile and forward them to the TRG Awards Nomination Judges, as well as announce the list of nominations in May to ensure transparency. 7. There will be a panel of seven judges to be appointed by TRG in consultation with the FIDE Managing Board. 8. At least two judges will be women and all four continents will be represented. 9. The nomination and judging process will be subject to verification by a representative appointed by the FIDE Management Board.  Book Nominations 1. For the Yuri Averbakh/Isaac Boleslavsky Award, book publishers may make up to three nominations each. TRG will invite leading publishers to nominate a maximum of three books. One nominee from each publisher can be exempt from the requirement of a FIDE training license. Other publishers are welcome to request permission to submit and in most cases, we will approve. 2. National Federations can also nominate one book by a licensed trainer. 3. A copy of nominated books has to be sent to TRG according to instructions by a given date in April. 4. This Award will be judged by a panel comprising three experts selected by TRG in consultation with the FIDE Management Board. The judges have the right to reject a nomination. 5. The nominations will be announced after the 31st March deadline, a shortlist will be announced by the 1st of July and the winner decided by public vote to be determined by the 21st of July. All nominations are to be sent to and the forms can be downloaded as follows: Trainers Nominations: Books nominations: