Nodirbek and Nilufar Yakubboev are new Uzbekistani champions

Brother and sister Nodirbek and Nilufar Yakubboev became the 2020 Uzbekistani Champions. National championships, round-robin tournaments, started in March but were postponed after five rounds due to the epidemiological situation. The championship was resumed in fall with four final rounds played on September 21-24 in the capital of Uzbekistan Tashkent. Although Nodirbek is just 18 years old, this is his third national title – Yakubboev previously won this event in 2016 and 2018. The champion scored 7.5 out of 8, conceding just a half-point to another young GM Shamsiddin Vokhidov who finished second. Both are rapidly progressing, with Yakubboev currently ranked #17 in the world’s junior rating list. Together with their compatriot and champion’s namesake Nodirbek Abdusattorov, these three talented juniors are the future of Uzbekistani chess. Nodirbek’s elder sister, 20-year-old WIM Nilufar Yakubbaeva clinched her second national title in a row. After netting 7.5 out of 9, she finished a full point ahead of Umida Omova who took silver. Final standings – Open: 1. GM Yakubboev Nodirbek – 7.52. GM Vokhidov Shamsiddin – 73. GM Sindarov Javokhir – 4.54. FM Saydaliev Saidakbar – 45. IM Abdisalimov Abdimalik – 3.56. FM Madaminov Mukhiddin – 37. FM Artemenko Oleg – 2.5 8. Rakhmatullaev Almas – 29. IM Nigmatov Ortik – 2 Final standings – Women 1. WIM Yakubbaeva Nilufar – 7.52. WFM Omonova Umida – 6.53. WCM Khegay Yuliya – 54. WFM Saparova Sitora – 55. WGM  Kurbonboeva Sarvinoz – 4.56. WIM   Abdusattorova Bakhora – 4.57. WGM  Gevorgyan Irina – 48. WCM  Khamdamova Afruza – 3.59. WIM   Baymuratova Sevara – 3.510 . Narzikulova Gulhae – 1