Official statement on WADA recommendations

Lausanne, November 28, 2019 Answering some queries we got in connection with WADA’s Compliance Review Committee recommendations that were made public on Monday, Nov 25th, we would like to state the following: 1. FIDE is an international sports organization, officially recognized by the IOC, and complies with all internationally recognized rules and regulations. 2. As noted in a WADA press release, “Where the right to host a major event in the four year period has already been awarded to Russia, the Signatory must withdraw that right and re-assign the event to another country, unless it is legally or practically impossible to do so”. FIDE officially confirms that the contracts for the Candidates 2020 and Chess Olympiad 2020 have already been signed. Given that only one application to organize the event was received in each case, we believe that both tournaments fall under the exception formulated by WADA. 3. Given that the final legally binding decision on this matter will be taken by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), and that FIDE is not a party in these procedures, FIDE will refrain from other public comments or legal nature until a final decision is made. FIDE will always put the interest of chess and chess players above any other consideration, and we will continue working for the benefit of our sport.