FIDE Book of the Year 2018 shortlist

After great deliberation and an anonymous vote, the panel of judges narrowed down a longlist and announced a shortlist for the FIDE Book of the Year 2018 award. Three books are running for the prestigious award (in random order): The Complete Manual of Positional Chess (by Konstantin Sakaev and Konstantin Landa) This book co-authored by two Grandmasters focuses on numerous positional concepts such as quick development, fighting for the center, material balance, etc. Together with the Candidates: Budapest 1950 to Berlin 2018 (by Alexey Kuzmin) The book presents the history of Candidates tournaments and matches and offers many tests position taken from these competitions. Applying Logic in Chess (by Erik Kislik) In his work Erik Kislik proves that many important topics such as pawn-structure, material imbalance, compensation, etc., can be tackled applying logic.  Unlike other awards by FIDE Trainers’ Commission, the Averbakh/Boleslavsky Award for Book of the Year is judged separately. The panel includes three judges: Nigel Short, Artur Jussupow, and the World’s oldest living grandmaster, Yuri Averbakh. “We congratulate the finalists! The competition level was very high, all nine books have their merits”,  Artur Jussupow said. The judges hope to complete their work by the end of November and announce the winner.

Call for Bids: FIDE World Chess Championships 2021

CALL FOR BIDS FIDE WORLD CHESS CHAMPIONSHIPS 2021 Deadline 29th November 2019 1. World Junior Chess Championship 2021 2. World Youth U16 Chess Olympiad 20213. World Youth (U14, U16 & U18) Chess Championships 2021 (Africa) 4. World Cadets (U08, U10 & U12) Chess Championships 2021 (Africa) 5. World Youth & Cadets Rapid & Blitz Chess Championships 2021 Remarks: –          World School Chess Championships 2021 awarded to Halkidiki, Greece (2-May-2021/11-May-2021) at 2018 2nd quarter Presidential Board 9-10 July 2018 Bucharest, Romania.–          With effect from 1st January 2013, a bid for any FIDE Competitions onwards shall include the name of a FIDE licensed International Organizer.–          All bids should be submitted by the due date in sealed envelope or scanned documents to the FIDE Secretariat, postal address: Avenue de Rhodanie 54, 1007 Lausanne, Switzerland / Email: by 29th November 2019, 16:00 CET (UTC/GMT + 1 hour).–          Each bid should be accompanied with a bid fee.            2.000 Euro – World Youth & Cadets Chess Championships           1.000 Euro – World Junior Chess Championship            500 Euro – All other FIDE World Chess Championships  Bid Fees are not refundable. Bid fees should be paid the latest by 6th December 2019 to the FIDE bank account (free of charges) or to be enclosed in the bid envelope.   FIDE Bank Details:ACCOUNT NAME: FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DES ECHECSBANK NAME: CAIXABANK S.ABANK ADDRESS: AV. DIAGONAL, 621-629, 0828 BARCELONABIC/CODE SWIFT: CAIXESBBXXXIBAN: ES32 2100 0555 3107 0028 5124 ·         All bidders must fill the bid form and the new bid from annex completely.  ·         Price of hotels, details about the accommodation and tournament hall must be written in the bid.·         FIDE EVE will make inspections. There will be a second inspection prior 2 to 4 months to awarded organization.·         FIDE Officials -Appeals Committee, Chief Arbiter, Deputy  Arbiter(s)- will be decided and appointed by FIDE by taking proposal of organizers.·         FIDE Technical Delegate will be appointed by FIDE EVE.·         The bid form and new added annex can be downloaded here.   Bid Form Bid Form Annex