84th FIDE Congress: 2013 Executive Board Minutes and Annexes

FIDE publishes the Minutes and Annexes of the Executive Board meeting that was held in Tallinn, Estonia, 7-8 October 2013. Download the Minutes (PDF).Download all Annexes in one file. LIST OF ANNEXES: 1. Audited accounts.2. Commented accounts.3. Actual against budget for first six months of 2013.3A. Proposed Budget 2014.4. Fees paid to PB members.4A. Fees paid to Continental Presidents.5. Mr. N. Freeman’s proposed amendments to Financial Regulations.6. Mr. L. Brunner’s report of the Permanent Fund Administrator.7. Verification Commission’s report.8. Application of the Tanzania Chess Federation.9. Application of the Saudi Arabia Chess Federation.10. Application of Federacao Timor-Leste de Xadrex.11. Mr. D. Jarrett’s proposals on restructuring and amending Handbook.12. Proposed Regulations on Registration and Licensing of the players.13. Agenda for the Qualification Commission meeting.14. Summaries of over-the-board title applications.15. Agenda with Annexes for the Arbiters Commission’s meeting.16. Summaries of the arbiters’ title applications.17. Trainers Commission’s report.18. Summaries of trainers’ title applications.19. Technical Commission’s report with Annexes.20. Agenda for the Rules and Tournament Regulations Commission’s meeting.21. Agenda with Annex for the Swiss Pairings Programmes Committee’s meeting.22. Development Commission’s report.23. Chess in Schools Commission’s report.24. Women’s Chess Commission’s report.25. Social Action Commission’s report.26. Social Projects Commission’s report.27. Chess for Disabled Committee’s report.28. Agenda for the Medical Commission’s meeting.29. Press-release by SportAccord.30. Agenda with Annexes for the Events Commission’s meeting.31. List of IO titles to be approved by the Executive Board.32. Mr. B. Kutin’s proposal in respect of the celebration of the FIDE 90th Anniversary.33. Bid from Khanty-Mansiysk for organizing FIDE Candidate`s Matches 2014.34. Overall standings in FIDE Grand-Prix Series after five rounds.35. Unofficial list of qualifiers from Europe for FIDE Women`s World Championship 2014.36. Report of Chief Arbiter for FIDE World Rapid and Blitz Championship 2013.37. Report of Messrs. D. Jarrett and A. Surender after inspecting the venues for World Youth Championships 2015.38. Report of the Chief Arbiter for World Schools Individual Championship 2013.39. Proposal on FIDE Official Languages.40. Proposal of Ms. B. Marinello in respect of the dress-code.41. FIDE Academy application of Mr. Sevan Muradian.43. Report of Chief Arbiter for World Youth U16 Olympiad 2013.44. Agenda for the Technical Commission Meeting.45. Report of Chief Arbiter for World Cup 2013.48. Report of Chief Arbiter for Women’s World Chess Championship Match 2013.49. Minutes of Social Projects Commission.50. Minutes of RTRC. Addendum to Annex 50.51. Minutes of Commission for Women`s Chess.52. Minutes of Social Action Commission.53. Minutes of Technical Commission.54. Minutes of Arbiters’ Commission.55. Minutes of Medical Commission.56. Minutes of Swiss Pairings Programmes Commission.57. Minutes of Events Commission.58. Minutes of Central Board of Commissions.59. Minutes of Chess in Schools Commission.60. Minutes of Development Commission.61. Minutes of Chess for Disabled Committee.62. Minutes of Qualification Commission. Appendix to Annex 62.63. FIDE representation Office in the Russian Federation report.64. WCOC Recommendations to FIDE EB.65. Minutes of FIDE/ACP Anti-Cheating Committee.66. Minutes of Constitutional Meeting.67. Minutes of Verification Commission.68. Letter from the Mayor of Vilnius.69. Minutes of Ethics Commission.70. Minutes of Journalists’ Commission.71. Letters from Georgia in respect of World Chess Olympiad 2018.72. Minutes of American Continental meeting.73. Minutes of Asian Continental meeting.74. Minutes of European Continental meeting.75. Minutes of Commonwealth Chess Association.76. Minutes of African Continental meeting.